Wednesday, January 31, 2018

"Barista-terrorista, my latté has so much milk, it's white, not brown..."

Image result for morocco barista

A member of the Counter-Jihad Mainstream Readership (i.e., an anti-Islam commenter on Jihad Watch) named "tim gallagher" complains:

Islam is ferociously repressive and far right wing ( well, 7th century barbarism really) in every regard and it’s staggering the way the left wingers side with it. It defies any logic.

Well, tim wouldn't find this so "staggering" and logic-defying if he paused to consider (or if he read outside the Counter-Jihad Mainstream Reservation once in a while -- oh, say, at The Hesperado blog).  The short answer to tim's aggravating bafflement is that Leftists perceive Muslims as Brown People, and this in turn triggers the psycho-cultural mechanism analyzed by blogger Lawrence Auster (and further clarified by moi) as "Auster's First Law of Majority-Minority Relations".

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Why did the decaf suddenly turn into regular...? Part 2.

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Actually, my title should be: "Why did the decaf suddenly turn into a quintuple espresso...?"

As I analyzed in Part 1, Hugh Fitzgerald's guesses are inadequate to explain why an anti-Islam politician in Germany, Arthur Wagner, converted recently to Islam.  Hugh is presented with a German political activist who 4 years ago left the more Left-leaning CDU party to join the more Islam-savvy AfD party which opposes Islamization of Germany -- and yet who has lately converted to Islam.  Hugh guesses Wagner must have converted to Islam either for sex or for money; or both.  (Hugh's first guess he tosses off as unlikely, that Wagner was actually convinced of the beauty of Islam.)

The problem with the sex and/or money explanation is not that it's impossible; sure, that's always possible, but it would perforce require either 1) ignorance of Islam, or 2) evil.

#2: If a Westerner is not ignorant of Islam, but knows Islam (and hence knows it's evil), then if he joins Islam for sex or money, he's also being evil.

#1: The ignorance explanation becomes strange, given that Wagner was in an anti-Islamization party for 4 years, and actively joined it in the first place.

Once we palpate #1 further, we begin to open up an avenue of a subtler, more intelligent speculation.  Are there degrees of ignorance of Islam?  There do seem to be.  I've written probably hundreds of essays (out of a total of 1,400 plus) analyzing this welter of a problem.  The more interesting end of the spectrum, to me, is the person who actually knows about Islam, or who is learning more and more about the horror, the full catastrophe of Islam, but can't quite fully follow the logic to where their growing familiarity with the data of Islam leads them.

Why can't they follow the logic of the data? Because they are afraid. Afraid of what? Afraid of the thread that leads from condemning Islam to condemning Muslims. Why is that something to be afraid of? Because it would mean they would succumb to "racism".

This thought process I am unraveling is the thought process of PCMC; and it is present even in the Counter-Jihad.  A fear of enacting the paradigm shift from a problem of Islam to a problem of Muslims.  It seems to me this thought process is quite prevalent and motivates all forms of Denial in this regard.  Interestingly, this dynamic becomes more pronounced the more, not the less, one knows about Islam.  The PC MC majority in the West knows less about Islam than the person who has chosen to be "in the Counter-Jihad", but they know enough -- from the pressure of the news -- to realize, if only subliminally, that it's a horrible problem. But two factors allow them to remain in a state of relatively stable, comfortable Denial (at least consciously): 1) their habit -- reinforced by the peer pressure of their surrounding culture, suffused as it is with PC MC, of not taking the time to investigate past the PC MC mainstream whitewashing of Islam to uncover the seamier underside of Islam; and 2) their dominant PC MC sensibilities which, among other things, keeps their internal Censor strong out of a deep, peculiarly Western phobia about being "racist".

The Westerner who has embarked upon the long, complex journey of being "in the Counter-Jihad", however, doesn't suffer from these two factors, at least not in such a marked way. But #2 does still exert its unconscious force on him; and because it does, it comes into psychological conflict with his growing awareness (through his self-education) of the horrors of Islam and the obvious logical connection this has to Muslims.  The result is an incoherent attempt to have his cake (of being anti-Islam) while eating it too ("I'm not against Muslims" or some even more elliptical version of this).

Now, I am not trying to say that Arthur Wagner was "in the Counter-Jihad" per se; there is no delimited definition of that state (to a great extent because the movement itself remains incoherent). Some are halfway in / halfway out (e.g., Sam Harris).  The psychological dynamic is the same, variantly, depending on the degree of PC MC in the heart and mind of the person involved.

So my guess as to why Arthur Wagner converted to Islam may not be as colorfully specific as two of Hugh's guesses (women and/or money), but I argue it's more reasonable. In a word -- 4 words, to be more precise -- Arthur Wagner converted to Islam because of PC MC: Politically Correct Multi-Culturalism.  But wait, my readers may counter, Wagner four years ago had joined the anti-Islamization party opposed to the disastrous Angela Merkel policy of Muslim immigration; how could he be affected by PC MC...?  If my readers, or anyone "in the Counter-Jihad" has to ask that question, he hasn't fully grasped the Problem of the Problem.  This secondary problem (persistent Western myopia to the primary problem, Islam) reflects a complex paradox of fear and admiration of Islam, centrally motivated by the twin Dogma of PC MC:

Respect for the Other / Self-Criticism of the West Bordering on Self-Hatred

The second thing to know is that this PC MC neurosis that cripples any critical understanding of the primary Problem of Islam is not merely the province of "Leftists" over there: it is, in various degrees, in all Westerners, including those who are "in the Counter-Jihad".  And as we know from Psychology 101, if you don't realize you have a neurosis, you'll be less able to overcome it.  Those who are "in the Counter-Jihad" are particularly vulnerable to this kind of Denial, mainly because their self-identity is so dependant upon a bravado about being oh so tough on Islam.  Arthur Wagner, a political activist in the German anti-Islamization party AfD qualifies as being vulnerable in this way, even if he may not be, strictly speaking, "in the Counter-Jihad".  His previous allegiance to the party of Merkel, before he joined the AfD, likely continued to be present deep in his heart & mind; as PC MC is present in the heart & mind of nearly everyone "in the Counter-Jihad".  We can reasonably assume that Wagner's PC MC was a stronger psychological force than his new career as an "anti-Islamization" activist. So, rather than spend years developing incoherent ways of pretending to be anti-Islam while avoiding a condemnation of Muslims (as most in the Counter-Jihad seem to like to do), he found psychological release by going all the way, one way: If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Why did the decaf suddenly turn into regular...? Part 1

On Jihad Watch, that bastion of the Counter-Jihad Mainstream, Hugh Fitzgerald discusses the curious case of a German politician, Arthur Wagner, who for the last 4 years has been a member of the supposedly tougher, more conservative and anti-Muslim Immigration party, the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland or "Alternative for Germany") -- a party that is routinely labeled "far right" probably mainly because of its stance against "Islamization" -- has himself converted to Islam.

Hugh's essay is an exercise in educated speculation on why Arthur Wagner, a member of an essentially anti-Islam political party (or more likely "anti-Islamist" or "anti-political Islam" party) would himself convert to Islam.  The reason Hugh has to speculate is because Wagner has refused to answer questions about his conversion, maintaining it is none of the public's business.

Hugh's speculative diagnosis is more revealing of Hugh, and of the schizophrenia about Islam indulged by the Counter-Jihad Mainstream (tough on the outside, nougaty soft on the inside) to which Hugh can be said (based on hundreds of essays he has written, which I've analyzed over the years) to belong.  Here's how Hugh handles this curious conversion to Islam by a formerly anti-Islam guy:

"It seems to me that there are three possible reasons why Arthur Wagner decided to convert to Islam."

So begins Hugh, and I cringe and brace myself for the subtly asymptotic locutions to come.

The first is the most obvious: that having been dead set against more Muslim immigrants, he decided to have a look into the faith whose adherents, according to his own party, “have no place in Germany,” and was struck by the sheer wonderfulness of Islam. After all, the refugees he’d been assisting were mostly Muslims, and inclined to sing the praises of their faith. To do what Wagner did out of genuine belief is not impossible — strange things happen every day. 

No Hugh, that's not an explanation for Why; it's just a rephrasing of the What, without providing any insight leading from that What to the Why.  Let's see what his other two, supposedly more substantial guesses are:

But there are two other conceivable explanations for Arthur Wagner’s behavior. The first may be called the “cherchez-la-femme” (look for the woman) theme. Among the refugees Wagner had been helping, there might well have been a Muslimah who caught his fancy. And if she responded, well, since he’s not exactly Gregory Peck, he might have been thrilled. As a female refugee, she would of course see a solution to all her problems if she could land this particular fish, and he, in turn, would be delighted to have such a mate. Of course, given that in Islam, men are superior to women, it would be unthinkable for a Muslim wife to submit to a non-Muslim husband. Before getting married, the non-Muslim husband-to-be must, therefore, convert to Islam. Which Arthur Wagner may have been perfectly willing to do. There is still another conceivable variant. Muslims in Brandenburg, knowing of Arthur Wagner’s work with Muslim refugees, and of his desire for a mate, might have persuaded a Muslim woman, refugee or not, to respond to him, all in the path of Allah of course, and then to demand that he convert so that they might marry. What a coup for Islam that would be — and has now turned out, in fact, to be. You can just imagine how often Muslims will be bringing up the case of Arthur Wagner, as proof of Islam’s greatness, for it can “overcome even the worst sort of islamophobia.” 

Okay, that speculative guess at least has some meat to it.  However, it still begs the question a bit; unless Hugh is trying to say that the mere motivation of an older guy feeling unattractive and needing female companionship suffices, completely, to explain why he would convert to Islam -- which is what his rather verbose paragraph certainly seems to imply.  This would be a variant on Hugh's "Esdrujula Elves", trying to explain the West's seduction to Islam (whether all the way, to conversion, or short of that, to its mainstream tendency toward fawning adulation) by recourse to vaguely human foibles, such as greed, stupidity, or timidity (not sure what "-idity" would apply here, as another facile label for Hugh to slap onto the midlife crisis of a horny guy as the sole motivation for his conversion to Islam; but the specious principle would be the same).  It goes without saying, then, that this second guess is pretty flimsy (for those who can't see why Hugh's thesis is specious, my link just given may help them).
Let's see if Hugh's third guess gets any warmer:

The third possible explanation is of the filthy-lucre sort.

Oh God; he's still stuck on the Esdrujula Explanation -- this time having recourse to Greed. Will he stay stuck on that level or expand it to something more substantive? Let us see:

He might have thought of it himself, or someone may have suggested to him that, by turning Turk, there was money to be made. Think of all the speaking engagements now available to Arthur Wagner, throughout the deepest-pocketed Muslim lands — in Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar — or even audiences of Muslims in Germany. His subject would be the one that every devout Muslim wants to hear: “Why I Became A Muslim.” That triumphalist topic ought to be worth 50-100,000 dollars per speech, given that he was a high-ranking official in the AfD, the most unlikely, and therefore the most valuable, kind of convert. And after all, Wagner would have done nothing wrong. He became a Muslim, and now he’s speaking about it. Why shouldn’t he? How dare anyone question his motives? Is he any worse than so many of our past presidents, secretaries of state, national security advisors, big shots of every sort, who once out of office head out to the Gulf (Persian, Arabian, take your pick) to pocket most generous honoraria? Arthur Wagner has a story, he wants to tell it, and there are people, his fellow Muslims, who want to hear it. Eventually we’ll find out what led Arthur Wagner to the One True Faith. If there’s a woman involved, he’s not going to keep her waiting. If it’s money he is after, just keep track of his speaking schedule. And if, mirabile dictu, he actually went from warning about Islam to becoming a Muslim, because he has indeed become a True Believer, then not just in Houston, but in Germany, Europe, the entire Western world, mein damen und herren, we have ein großes Problem.

As I guessed, Hugh's third guess remains stuck on the level of his Esdrujula Elf, Cupidity.  Completely unexplored by Hugh's speculative discursus on this most curious phenomenon -- of a formerly anti-Islam person converting to Islam -- are more positive reasons having to do with ideology.  Such as, for example, the virtues of the dominant worldview of the West in our time, Politically Correct Multi-Culturalism -- virtues such as Respect for the Other and its other side of the same coin, Excessive Self-Criticism about our own Western civilization.  And many other related phenomena which I have analyzed at length over the years.  Instead, Hugh serves up a simple-minded analysis, at this late stage of the game.  It's 2018, for Crissakes. You'd think the Counter-Jihad would have evolved by now beyond its flawed template.  The dismaying reality seems to be that it has fossilized into a Counter-Jihad Mainstream.

Part 2 to come, for my guess, which probes more deeply this issue than Hugh does.

For now, I hazard a guess explaining Hugh's curious analytical deficiency: It's probably because, as a member of the Counter-Jihad Mainstream and its asymptotic tendencies, Hugh can't see how he himself shares with Arthur Wagner an underlying PC MC that disposed the latter to convert to Islam.  Hugh's myopia to the PC MC inside himself thus blinds him to its presence in, and key influence on, not only the Arthur Grants of the West who "go native" by conversion to Islam, but the much more numerous Westerners (the majority, in fact) who stop short of that by fawning all over Islam like it's the best thing since sliced falafel.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

"Get your Mo Joes here... Iced Muslim with milk, Mohammedan Venti, Grande, Trenti, Blonde Roast Revert, Decaf Moderate, Triple Decaf Reformer (the "Tarek Fatah"), Shia Latté, Sunni Black, Extremist Espresso..."

One of the staunchly anti-Islam Civilians from the Readership commenting in that flagship of the Leadership of the Counter-Jihad Mainstream, Jihad Watch, boldly writes:

....There is no ‘radical Islam’There is just Islam.Muslims can decide which parts of the quran they want to practice.The more ‘educated’ amongst them choose to ignore their book. ‘Education ‘being the factor.Islam depends on the ignorance of its followers to survive.Without Jihad Islam will die.

How does roger know this?  He doesn't of course, unless he has a Mohammedan Mind-Reading App -- and even if he had one, that App, if it can't read hundreds of millions of Mohammedan minds, would be worthless to our sprawling, massive, complex security needs, with millions upon millions of Muslims pouring into the West and roiling and percolating throughout all institutions of our Body Geopolitic.  Not to mention that time and time again, we have found terrorists and terrorist supporters to be college educated and middle class or above in wealth.

At any rate, his "educated Muslims" is yet another flavor of harmless Muslim to add to the list which the Counter-Jihad has generated over the years in its asymptotic anxiety trying to forestall the inevitable rational prejudice against all Muslims which the weight of the mountain of data about the problem of Islam leads us: 

Lax Muslims,  
Non-Observant Muslims,
Muslims Who Don’t Know Their Own Islam,  
Muslims Who Don't Take Islam Seriously, 
Muslims Who Are Too Afraid To Come Out of the Secularist Closet,  
the MINOs ("Muslims In Name Only")
Muslims Who Lack Conviction to Carry Islam Out, 
the Not Fully Compliant Muslims,
Reluctant Muslims,
Muslims Who Truly Don't Care About Islam,
Non-Muslim Muslims,

Etc. etc. et al. (qaeda)...

As with the panoply of different coffees at a typical café, many of these flavors don't seem to be that different from some of the others. At the end of the day, all of them have a basic function: to forestall our inevitable wake-up call to smell the Mohammedan coffee.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Decaf pretending to be caffeinated...

The Counter-Jihad Mainstream reporter, Christine Douglass-Williams (CDW) editorialized on a recent Jihad Watch notice:

Last January, one of Charlie Hebdo’s most outspoken journalists quit her job because “it has gone soft on Islamist extremism. Zineb El Rhazoui accused the weekly of bowing to Islamist extremists and no longer daring to draw the Prophet Mohammed.” Then she was threatened by Islamic State supporters who called for her murder by “lone wolves.”

The supreme irony here once again on display -- what I call the Nawazian Voldemort Effect after Maajid Nawaz's clever (and quite successful) attempt at it:

Namely, the subtle usage of the dysphemism "Islamist" (buttressed by "extremism" as though mainstream, ordinary Islam isn't already by nature extremist) is already telegraphing, and reinforcing, a soft position on the problem of Islam -- even as it is couched in a seemingly robust stance against the problem of Islam.  Essentially, trying to pass off a cup of decaf as a robustly caffeinated espresso.

How many people in the Counter-Jihad are fooled by this?  How many of the Readership agree with their Leadership to soften their stance on the problem of Islam this way?  How many care either way?

P.S.: This is not to say that the Moroccan apostate upon whom CDW relies, Zineb El Rhazoui, would herself frame the issue this way.  It's difficult for me to tell, as I only have, as yet, a cursory familiarity with her writings and interviews and analyses by others on her. For example, Zineb has said: "I am against Islam and Islam is against me" ("Je suis contre l'islam et l'islam est contre moi.") -- no "Islamism" there.  On the other hand, she sometimes slips in the Ism, and sometimes seems to take care to distinguish Islam from Muslims: As the French feminist 'Elisseievna' reports: "She explains that "to realize that Islamism is a fascism allows us to stigmatize the ideology but not the individuals of the Islamic culture." (Elle explique que « prendre conscience que l’islamisme est un fascisme permettra de stigmatiser l’idéologie et non les individus issus de la culture islamique »).  Then there's the further complication that, apparently, in French, as in English of an older time (perhaps the early 20th century at the latest, but certainly earlier), the "-ism" ending is not necessarily a decaffeination of Islam at all, not a truncation to dilute the Islamophobic caffeine as it has become for the likes of Sam Harris (under the tutelage of his partner-in-bromance, Maajid Nawaz), but merely a denotation of it, largely redundant.  However, do the millions of Americans and modern English-speaking people of the world who read Jihad Watch know this -- that when CDW quotes Zinab's "Islamist extremism" approvingly, this may not mean it in the veritably soft way intended by CDW and her colleague Robert Spencer?

Saturday, January 13, 2018

"Barista-terrorista, I'm allergic to raisins, and there are clearly at least 4 raisins in this cinnamon scone......"

I was pleased to see a post by Cinnamon Stillwell featured on Jihad Watch this morning -- she's a writer who (notwithstanding her occasional asymptotic raisins) deserves a wider audience (and years ago I put her on my blogroll over at The Hesperado).

Her piece on Jihad Watch involved a Good Cop Muslim (defined as such because he would easily fool the broader Western Mainstream, but not the Counter-Jihad Mainstream), an academic named Reza Zia-Ebrahimi, senior lecturer in history at King’s College London, invited to deliver his taqiyya to a select Harvard audience.  As Cinnamon Stillwell reports it and mostly ably analyzes it, his lecture at Harvard was an exercise in Equivalencism and Tu Quoque -- more specially, the claim that "Islamophobia" is equivalent to anti-Semitism, and that both are in effect racism.

The raisins in the otherwise scrumptious & nutritious cinnamon scone Stillwell served up may be spotted in this sentence of hers:

Never once did Zia-Ebrahimi address the reality of such practices within Islam, nor the fact that Islamists advocate Islamic supremacism and are implacably hostile to Europe – seen as Christendom. In his eagerness to whitewash all things Islamist, Zia-Ebrahimi ignored the multiple terrorist attacks throughout Europe and the often-contorted Western reaction to Islamist aggression.

That's three raisins.  And, after I carefully extracted them out of my cinnamon scone with my fork, I almost bit into one more after I thought I was in the clear:

That Harvard would host an Islamist apologist masquerading as a champion of virtue exposes the intellectual weakness, duplicity, and true intents of scholars who charge their opponents with “Islamophobia.”

If the "Counter-Jihad" doesn't stop using these dysphemisms that have the effect of reinforcing our reflexes to exonerate Islam itself by locating the problem in some other entity ("Islamism", "radical Islam",  "political Islam", etc.), we will be failing in our ultimate duty to wake up our West to the problem of all Muslims in diverse ways enabling their Islamic imperative to conquer the world.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

"I'll have an Intifadaccino, please..."

"How to successfully stop illegal immigration: Follow Israel’s model" -- reads a recent headline on Jihad Watch (Robert Spencer's flagship blog) penned by the egregiously soft-on-Muslims writer Christine Williams-Douglass (CWD), collaborator & colleague of Robert Spencer.

To which I would retort: Yes, we should follow Israel's model, so that we may have our own innocent citizens -- including men, women and children -- routinely mass-murdered and occasionally tortured by Muslims! Israel's model of allowing Muslims to enter and reside inside Israel has not been working -- unless one defines "working" as an allowance of the aforementioned mass-murders and tortures.

Not to mention a story that came out in June reported by the Times of Israel that Israel's intelligence service, Shin Bet, announced in a statement that as of June 2018, for the preceding 5 months since January, they had foiled some 250 terror plots (not by Buddhists or Wiccans or Hindus or Jews or Christians or Atheists or Polytheists).  So how's that policy of allowing Muslims to reside in Israel working?

The Counter-Jihad Mainstream has many foibles, which I've recounted in the past; among them being this silly notion that Russia, China, Japan, and Israel are perfect bulwarks against Islam who suitably clamp down on Muslims: "Them Ruskies wouldn't let Muslims get away with what the rest of the West does!" Etc. All one has to do to counter such specious nonsense is survey the litany of Mohammedan terror attacks on especially Russia and Israel over the decades (Japan has only escaped this because of a dearth of Muslims, due almost wholly to factors unrelated to any anti-Islam vigilance on the part of its people and government; ditto for China, although they have had a spate of Muslim attacks in recent years).

And let us not leave without making sure we don't let CWD get away with her careful notation of "illegal" immigration -- leaving us wide open to a flood of a protracted legal invasion of Muslims.


Within hours of the rosy post on Jihad Watch I discussed above, by Robert Spencer's colleague & collaborator Christine Williams-Douglass, hailing Israel as a model of success against the jihad, what does Jihad Watch post, but this headline:

Judea and Samaria: Muslims murder Israeli rabbi and father of six in drive-by shooting

And this headline:

Israel: Two teenage Muslimas charged with joining the Islamic State, plotting New Year’s jihad massacre

-- just the latest carnage in years, decades of carnage by Muslims within Israel and without Israel.  The Israeli leadership (and how much of its sophisticated, Leftish civilian population?) evidently agrees (at best) with the Counter-Jihad Mainstream that Muslims inside Israel are magically delicious and harmless, even though they keep killing Jews and/or plotting to kill more Jews and/or believing fervently in the righteousness of killing more Jews.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

"I'll have a Better Joe, to go with my Better Moe (since I lost my Mojo)..."

Jamie Glazov, a notoriously soft counter-jihadist (softer even than Robert Spencer's more recent collaborator & colleague, Christine Williams-Douglass), so soft you wouldn't want to dunk him in your coffee you've woken up to and smelled, in a recent posting on Spencer's Jihad Watch pulled the envelope of his nougat egregiously (which is saying a lot) when he called attention to the sins of Linda Sarsour, a Good Cop Muslim -- an easy mark, for the Counter-Jihad Mainstream (CJM) -- who, in a recent tweet, attacked ex-Muslim activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali in a most sordid manner:

"Brigitte Gabriel-- [sic: sloppy -- if not incorrect -- use of an em-dash by Linda] Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She's asking for an a$$ whippin'. I wish I could take their vaginas away - [sic: now just a single dash substituting for an em-dash which, in any case, would be incorrectly used here] they don't deserve to be women."

Where Glazov lurches off the rails (but remains comfortably on the CJM Reservation) is where he ensconces this in a framework uncritically allying himself with Better Cop Muslims -- in this case, two of them. First he appeals to the latest Moderate Medicine Muslim selling Islamic reform from the back of his wagon, Imam Tawhidi, when he begins his post with this shot out across the bow:

Fake feminist and Jihad-promoter Linda Sarsour has blocked Muslim reformer Imam Tawhidi on Twitter because he asked her to apologize for her grotesque and vicious tweet about the courageous truth-teller about Islam, Ayaan Hirsi Ali. 

Note that utterly uncritical favor Glazov handed Imam Tawhidi on a silver platter, granting him without a hint of sneer quotes the title of "Muslim reformer".  Directly related to this, Glazov is publicly relying upon one Muslim (Tawhidi) to condemn another Muslim (Sarsour) -- which only reinforces our unfortunate disinclination we Westerners, being relatively decent and civilized as we are, have to cultivate a rational prejudice against all Muslims (a prejudice that nevertheless must be cultivated if we want our civilization to survive this 21st century from Mohammedan devastation).

Close on the heels of this faux pas, Glazov continues his Reliance Upon the Traveler by relying upon another Better Cop Muslim (for a Muslim becomes a Better Cop by being relied upon by the Counter-Jihad), Shireen Quudosi, an up-and-coming Better Moe joining the ranks of the others (Maajid Nawaz, Zudhi Jasser, Asra Nomani, Tarek Fatah, Irshad Manji, etc., etc., et al. (qaeda)...). Indeed, Qudosi is the source Glazov uses for the notorious Sarsour tweet against Hirsi Ali, and he further quotes her salty riposte to Sarsour.  Does the Counter-Jihad really need to use two catfighting Muslimas when we can just condemn Sarsour ourselves?

Anyway, Qudosi has a glaring problem she hasn't successfully squirmed out of -- probably because she can't: namely, her admiration, as a Muslim, for the horribly foul and psychopathic Prophet Muhammad.  As long as any Muslim is a Muslim they are burdened by this malignant mole disfiguring their Moderate countenance (easily seen, by those with critical eyes to see (unlike Glazov, Williams-Douglass, Robert Spencer, and the rest of the CJM) through their Better Mask).  And as such, they are not only useless to us, they become positive handicaps for us, since they reinforce our aforementioned disinclination -- to cultivate the rational prejudice against all Muslims that will be the only way to save our civilization from Mohammedan ruin before (or after) this 21st century is over.

Monday, January 8, 2018

The Counter-Jihad Cafe: "Wake Up and Smell the Decaf"

Yet another random stabbing by a Muslim, this time in Ireland, as reported at Jihad Watch.  And, naturally, authorities of the broader Western Mainstream say there is "no link to terrorism".

As Robert Spencer editorializes on this, he unwittingly puts his foot in his mouth:

Quoting the mainstream Irish news source, RTÉ (Raidió Teilifís Éireann) -- “Gardaí have said they have found no established link to indicate the attacks, in which the Japanese national was fatally stabbed and two other people were wounded, were terror-related.”

-- Spencer writes:

They mean that they haven’t found that he was in contact with someone in Iraq or Syria, or has any ties that they can discover to jihadis anywhere. But that doesn’t mean this has nothing to do with jihad, and this false assumption stems from the further false assumption that jihad terror has nothing to do with Islam, and those who engage in it are only members of jihad terror groups, who themselves also have nothing to do with Islam. The Muslims who are misled into joining these groups are, this mistaken view goes, quite different from ordinary Muslims, who are peaceful and tolerant and have nothing to do with terrorism. 

What's ironic here is that Spencer does essentially the same thing he is accusing the broader Western Mainstream of doing; he only does it to a lesser degree, and dressed up with affectations of no-nonsense "counter-jihad" articulations (even while he has insisted that he is "not 'anti-Islam' " and that only "elements of Islam" are problematic).

P.S.: As this companion blog (to my main blog, The Hesperado) is meant to be as pithy as an espresso shot, I often don't riddle my posts with added evidence and links; though just for you, my rare reader, I slide a saucer your way with this plump scone of relevant data about Spencer fresh out of the oven -- on the house.

Friday, January 5, 2018

"I'll have a double Schizaccino, please..."
A Jihad Watch headline (culled from a BBC report):

New York City to spend $50,000,000 on “security infrastructure,” including 1,500 steel street barriers 

What we have here, essentially, is the broader Western Mainstream unwittingly telegraphing their schizophrenia about the problem of Islam:  On the one hand, they are deathly afraid of Muslims -- i.e., a perfectly rational fear of Muslims is operative in their minds on some deep level where their normative Orwellian denial hasn't (yet) extirpated it.  On the other hand, this Orwellian denial has taken over their public conscience because of a second fear: the fear of their own white Western "racism" -- which, if not checked, curbed, denied and (if necessary) self-flagellatingly shamed (but more often projected outward on various fellow Western, usually "right wing", scapegoats), will result in "another Holocaust" against the New Jews, the Muslims (better than the old Jews, because Brown).

Is this second fear as rational as the first?  Only on one level, not on both levels as their schizophrenia indiscriminately mashes together.  On the level of a fear that the problem of the danger of Islam is systemic and metastasizing throughout the Muslim demographic in alarming ways such that we cannot ultimately discern the difference between a harmless Muslim and a dangerous Muslim (and/or between a harmless Muslim and a Muslim who is not deep down beneath his outward smiles & wiles of a false moderation in solidarity with the jihad against us and thus lends his support to it in one way or another), it is a perfectly rational fear.  And the broader Western mainstream knows it -- but only deep down inside, beneath their consciousness, smothered by their waking denial.  On the other level, that the only way the West could handle this problem is to round up all Muslims and "genocide" them, it is not rational, since there are other ways to protect our society from Muslims -- including rounding them up and deporting them back to their Dar-al-Islam.

If that isn't bad enough, the only area within the West where education has been cultivated about the catastrophe Islam represents -- "the Counter-Jihad" -- indulges its own form of schizophrenia: On the one hand, they industriously churn out information about the ghastly, alarming nature of the problem of Islam; but with their other hand they are busy denying that this has anything to do with Muslims generally speaking (only with some whittled down, amorphously delimited subcategory of "jihadis"). 

This Counter-Jihad schizophrenia is a kind of mirror image of the broader Western Mainstream schizophrenia.