As I sip my
My vent is not new, but harks back to 2014, when after (to toot my own horn) I supplied an interesting post chock-full of interesting facts and insights, one of the "
Rabbit Pack" (one "dumbledoresarmy" from Australia) had to chime in to chide me. Good times, good times...
(Note: my nickname at that time was "voegelinian".)
voegelinian says
November 20, 2014 at 2:19 pm
Queen Rania [of Jordan] could well become the Muslim Princess Di — with her looks, charisma and her international human rights activities over the years (look over her Wikipedia bio, detailing a long list of ostensibly impressive deeds (deftly interwoven with the subtly and distractingly colorful chatoyance of Muslim concerns (e.g., “Queen Rania stated that she is not opposed to women choosing to wear the Islamic veil hijab by their own volition as long as it is not compulsory….”), accolades and honors) — if she had a good Jewish publicist and agent perhaps (I hear Ari Gold is available and taking on new clients). At first glance, I assumed she must be the princess-daughter of Queen Noor, another blonde babe (who looked like actress Lindsay Wagner); but now I learn that, of course, the new ruler of Jordan since King Hussein died of cancer in 1999 must be a male heir, and thus Queen Rania is an unrelated female (though, on second thought, given the Islamic penchant for inbreeding, I suppose it’s not unlikely that these Beverly Dunebillies could be marrying a second cousin or two).
One can surmise that, like father like son, the King of Jordan, Abdullah II ibn al-Hussein (who took over in 1999 when his father died), likes white looking blonde babes. His father not only married a blonde American beauty, Elizabeth “Lisa” Najeeb Halaby (born 1951 in Wash. D.C.), who went on to become the aforementioned Queen Noor in consort with her hubby habibi King Hussein, he had also married Muna al-Hussein — an Englishwoman formerly known as Antoinette Avril Gardiner (and the mother of his son the present King of Jordan, husband of Queen Rania). And while Queen Noor was a blonde American babe, she too was the progeny of Idiot White Western Females marrying Muslim men — specifically, she was the daughter of Najeeb Halaby, a Syrian born in Dallas, Texas in 1915 (!!!) whose Syrian Christian father (so Wikipedia tells us) emigrated to Texas in 1891 — and Doris Carlquist (Swedish descent — i.e., no doubt a blonde babe; divorced her in 1977).
Her father Najeeb wasn’t just any old Syrian habeeb — he grew up to be an aviator, airline executive, and government official. He served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense in the Truman administration, before being appointed by John F. Kennedy to head the Federal Aviation Administration; then following that he had a successful private-sector career, serving as CEO of Pan American World Airways from 1969 to 1972 (and more distinguished and lucrative stuff after that, including advising Saudi business ventures, etc.).
Aside from the gossip-magazine detail of this typically Arabic male penchant for the blonde babe that we see in the royal history (and, of course, of the disturbing penchant some white Western females evidently seem to have for the swarthy Arab male, blithely airheadedly, recklessly — yea traitorously — unaware (at best!) of the ghastly problems of their Islamic culture), there remains the Six Million Dollar Question: How did it come about that a Syrian Christian immigrant to the U.S. spawned a Muslim queen of Jordan (who, as Jihad Watch archives attest, has promoted Islamic evil in her own way — i.e., she has merely been a good mainstream Muslim)? A clue to the answer may be had in the Wikipedia bio of her father, Najeeb Halaby:
Halaby’s paternal grandfather was Elias Halaby, provincial treasurer or magistrate in Ottoman Syria, who also came to the U.S. in 1891.
I.e., Najeeb’s grandfather was a Dhimmi.
dumbledoresarmy says
November 20, 2014 at 7:41 pm
You seem to be assuming that any identifying-as-non-Muslim person from a Muslim country – even if they plainly identify as a Christian – IS a Muslim and must be treated as such.
Dhimmi or dhimmified, yes, some of them are; but a dhimmi is still NOT A MUSLIM. A dhimmi is someone whose forebears, for generations, endured HELL – centuries of grinding oppression and abuse – rather than take that final soul-destroying step into the Void and say the Shahada.
A western non-Muslim woman who marries a Syrian Christian or a Lebanese Christian will get married in a *church* not a mosque and her kids will be baptised in a *church*. They will go to Sunday School, if the family is practising, *not* a madrasa.
That ain’t Islam and you can’t tell me that it is.
And dhimmitude is a problem, yes, but I don’t see it as an incurable diseas or unbreakable curse. It *can* be shaken off. It can be rejected; as Fr Gabriel Naddaf is showing us right now, in Israel. If someone’s faith is in the Biblical God rather than in the monster allah, then that someone can – if other non-dhimmi Christians know what they are doing – be DE-dhimmified. (That, presumably, alas, didn’t happen in the case of Elias Halaby; which is tragic). Of course, since *you* don’t believe that the Biblical God, the YHWH of the TaNaKh, is anything other than some sort of comforting illusion or delusion and not capable of or interested in doing *anything* in the here-and-now with actual people’s lives, you assume that exorcism and spiritual deliverance don’t happen and can’t happen.
The likes of Mark Durie, who have much more experience in these matters than you do, know that it *can*.
I assume you would prefer that every last Christian in the middle east be ignored and abandoned to be sadistically mass murdered down to the last man, woman and infant by Muslims, than that they be given refuge in the Western or wider non-Muslim world? You view these threatened-with-genocide people as nothing but “plague dogs”??
Read Mark Durie’s The Third Choice – and the other book “Liberty to the Captives” – and learn something.
voegelinian says
November 20, 2014 at 11:45 pm
Two words: Stockholm Syndrome.
voegelinian says
November 21, 2014 at 2:16 pm
God this dumbledoresarmy pisses me off. How dare she elaborate obtusely on the premise of an utter lack of comprehension for the problem of dhimmitude, after all these years she’s spent digesting Jihad Watch.
This is like the 500 fucking thousandth example over the years of how the PC MC mainstream racializes the problem of Islam — and still Angemon doesn’t get it, and pesters me for calling attention to it. And then his friends here have the gall to chide me, instead of him for his egregious lacuna with regard to this massive, and important aspect of the Problem of the Problem (the problem, that is, of Western myopia to the problem of Islam, and resistance if not hostility to those who are calling attention to that problem)..
And I added:
And here’s the 499,000th example I came across recently — in the words of Sam Harris during his recent conversation with Muslim“Reformer” Maajid Nawaz at the Kennedy Forum at Harvard University. The context of Sam Harris’s words at this point was his complaint about the problem of what he calls “pseudo-liberalism” (by which he means what others casually call “liberalism” or “political correctness” – or what I mean by “PC MC”) — and how, as he rightly notes, we can criticize Christianity all day long, but –
“…the moment you try to shine a light on the problem of… Islamism…the full armamentarium of political correctness and… cries of racism just hits you full in the face…”
But I guess on this point, Angemon knows better than Sam Harris, eh?
The reader can go to that thread (beginning here) to see how Angemon responded, in multiple, lengthy hit-pieces against me; and how another of the Rabbit Pack, "gravenimage", did nothing to assist me.
That wasn't the only time Angemon showed a strange incomprehension for the problem of the mainstream racialization of Islam. As I wrote in another Jihad Watch thread a few months later that year:
And Angemon asks me where I get my notion that the PC MC mainstream West racializes the issue of the problem of Islam. Um, duh, from countless stories like this reported at Jihad Watch over the years.
Again, the reader can go to that thread to see how Angemon spun his maddening sophistry in response.
Finally (for now), perhaps the most direct example of Angemon's odd inability to grasp this point occurred a month later that same year:
“2) Muslims are perceived to be a Brown People”
— Angemon typed:
“Maybe by you. Not by regular people.”
I don’t know what Angemon means by “regular people”. If he means the majority of Westerners, the he is woefully ignorant of the mass sociopolitical, cultural, psychological phenomenon of PC MC, which precisely racializes the problem of Islam the way I described.
Again -- if the reader has the stomach to tolerate it -- read the thread to see how Angemon uses sophistry to .... to do what, exactly? And again, none of the other Jihad Watch regulars ever bothered to give me a helping hand, or to explain to Angemon how he was full of shit.
P.S.: I haven't seen Angemon in Jihad Watch comments for many months now; perhaps, since I've been gone from Jihad Watch comments since late 2015, he lost interest in what was evidently more important to him than the problem of Islam and the problem of the West persisting in its myopia to the problem of Islam -- namely, the problem that seemed to have consumed most of his energy: the problem of Hesperado.