Friday, February 24, 2023

it I Well, did

My annual anniversary posting on my otherwise defunct blog was published according to schedule -- February 21.  

It wasn't the best posting in the series; in fact, I'd rate it at the bottom, compared to the others. But that's okay. And even being at the bottom, it's not worthless.  It's kind of like an ongoing diary of the decomposition of my civilization around me, where my entries come only once a year, and bear the fruit of having stewed over, ruminated about, and suffered for 12 agonizing months, through four frustrating seasons, what the globalists are doing to me -- and us -- through their intermediaries abounding in the Mainstream and co-dependently enabled by innumerable ordinary people throughout the West (including among my friends and neighbors).  In that regard, it may be a good sign that the most recent posting was rather underwhelming, if not a tad boring; indicating the devolution hasn't accelerated quite as drastically as one 2 or 3 years ago might have thought it would  (not to discount a delayed reaction to the unraveling in the future).