Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Do-Gooders Without Borders

Image result for isis cafe

Debbie Schlussel many moons ago, referring to various Westerners (some Americans among them) who ended up suffering the horrific ordeal of being beheaded by ISIS and other Muslim terrorists (e.g., perhaps the first to come on our Western radar, Daniel Pearl), wrote:  

"...few people can really handle it, as they’d rather be infantilized and told that every American In Name Only put out of his/her misery by ISIS is really a hero fighting the good fight against Islamic terrorists (when in almost all the cases, the newly beheaded are really America-haters and Muslim apologists who were lucky enough to be born here)."

Schlussel is correct; and it's a curious phenomenon, until you think about it more. Part of what's going on, I think, is that there exist a large number of these starry-eyed cosmopolitan Do-Gooders-Without-Borders (and Without Brains) who have realized that even more glamorously humanitarian than the Third World Classic of yesteryear (various Indian tribes of central and South America oppressed by cruel right-wing (never left-wing, of course) dictators; various generic black African people suffering from their perennially Biblical afflictions of drought, famine, pestilence and wars) -- are the Suffering Victims of the Muslim World. Not the non-Muslims whom the Muslims are oppressing and massacring, of course, but the Muslims themselves who, when they keep getting embroiled in their Bloody Borders (not to mention internecine fitna), need the help of all the bleeding hearts who can pitch in to try to do their part to alleviate the suffering of those Poor Muslim Victims.

I think it's reasonable to suppose that these Do-Gooders love to plunge into the thick of Muslim hot spots to assuage their White Guilt and appease their ethical narcissism, spend a lot of time "getting to know the locals" and finding so many friendly, hospitable Muslims, learning their culture more deeply, and doing their small part to find ways to help them out of the morass of the mess which the evil West has inflicted upon them. In so doing, sometimes spending months, years, sometimes moving from country to country, hot spot to hot spot, they fall in with various Muslim helpers, guides, translators, habibis who "know someone who can help", etc. -- and by naively and gullibly trusting these seemingly nice Muslims, they set themselves up to be ensnared by less visible networks of various Muslim gangs, tribes and jihadist groups, ambushed and kidnapped for ransom and eventual execution.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

"T-U-L-S-I -- Straight Ahead...!"

Image result for tulsa cafe

Tulsi Gabbard is a Congressional Representative for Hawaii.  She's 37, so she's just barely eligible to run for President (minimum age requirement, 35). I'd vote for her in a heartbeat, notwithstanding that she tends to indulge the dysphemism of attaching the adjective "radical" to the problem of Islamic terrorism. But compared with other American politicians, she's miles ahead of them.  She's also female, telegenic, and "ethnic" (half East Indian -- she swore in as Representative on a copy of the Bhagavad Gita).

One couldn't find better reasons for supporting Tulsi than this Leftist attack on her at the amusingly titled "Jacobin" website.  Even though she's a Democrat who supported Bernie!

For example, the writers at Jacobin say:

So what is the cause of terrorism, according to Gabbard? Islam, of course.

Can I get an ROMPRLMAO (Rolling On My Prayer Rug Laughing My Ass Off)...?

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Before the Great Inhibition...

Image result for alexis de tocqueville cafeBibliothèque Alexis de Tocqueville in Caen, France 

We can add Alexis de Tocqueville to the list of luminaries from yesteryear (before the Great Inhibition of our era) who in 1838 served up this cup of coffee stronger and more robust about Islam than the insipid whitewash we get these days (jar tip from Andrew Bostom):

“Jihad, Holy war, is an obligation for all believers. … The state of war is the natural state with regard to infidels … [T]hese doctrines of which the practical outcome is obvious are found on every page and in almost every word of the Koran … The violent tendencies of the Koran are so striking that I cannot understand how any man with good sense could miss them.”

Monday, August 20, 2018

Re-entering through the side door

Image result for side door cafe

I've decided to slink back into "the Counter-Jihad" (such as it is), since I can't help myself. Hopefully, my renewed activity will be less time-consuming and less beleaguering to my psyche.

Rather than use my wheezing aircraft-carrier (the H.M.S. Hesperado) as my re-launching pad, I figured this little ol' café here will do just fine, after a slight makeover of its name.  I like the sound of The Daily Decaf; and also it refers to the daily attempts -- whether concerted, conscious, or semi-conscious and incoherent -- by our Western Mainstream and by the Counter-Jihad Mainstream -- to whitewash the horrible, toxic coffee of Islam we need to wake up to and smell.

For more about my "re-entry" listen to my Intro piece linked up top somewhere, over by the non-dairy creamer, I think.