Quoting Macaroni (as I like to call Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron, the politically correct multiculturalist President of France) --
“We will not accept any form of terrorism or incitement of terrorism on our national territory.” --
Robert Spencer then adds his brief introductory editorial remarks to the story he is relaying on his blog, Jihad Watch:
Sure. And given the policies of the Macron government regarding mass Muslim migration, and the stigmatization, demonization and persecution of everyone who dares to oppose the Muslim migrant influx, before too long jihad terrorism won’t be necessary anyway, any more than it is in Saudi Arabia.
This observation of Spencer's is wrong on so many levels, I won't have time to unpack them all here. Perhaps the main flaw is his clear implication that Muslims will be able to achieve their Islamic goal of successfully thorough Islamization of France (and, by logical implication, any Western country more or less as stupid as France in this regard, and that's still most of them) without massive, widespread, and intense violence tantamount to frank warfare (though probably resembling paramilitary guerrilla warfare through to its bitter and chaotic end).
The second flaw -- tightly related to the above flaw: underestimating the resistance of French society (and, by logical implication, any Western country) to Islamization. I'm not talking about conscious resistance; of course we don't see that (except in fitful, incoherent coughs and sputters). I'm talking an organic resistance after it dawns on them what Islam really means, when Muslims have at last taken the mask off. That day hasn't arrived yet, because most Muslims are doing various flavors of stealth jihad deceit and false assimilation -- and because most Frenchmen (and most Westerners) continue to indulge the notion that "most Muslims are not extremists" based on a woefully inadequate appreciation of the subversive danger of Islam.
The third flaw -- closely related to the second flaw: underestimating the oil-&-water distance between full-blooded Sharia (i.e., actual Sharia) on a sociopolitically successful level, and French society. The reason why Frenchmen (and Westerners in general) are so relatively sanguine about Islamization is that they tend to believe the Muslim taqiyya apologists who try to sell them the notion that Sharia is "diverse" and need not include the brutally fanatical, Draconian laws that for example ISIS (or Saudi Arabia) practices.
The 4th flaw -- the "hidden flaw" -- the implication that only "Leftist elites" (and/or "Globalists") are making possible this future, non-violent success of Islamization of the West. One theme I articulated at length innumerable times on my old blog, The Hesperado, over the years is that this is a curiously benighted view that overlooks how broad and deep is Western denial, in a variety of ways and degrees affecting the majority of Westerners including Ordinary People -- and therefore, one must reasonably conclude, not (entirely, or even largely) a sinister conspiracy, but a complex cultural historical process whereby the West's healthy virtues (including curiosity and respect for the Other, along with self-criticism of ourselves) have morphed monstrously into excessive versions of themselves. Thus enabling, in our time, the infiltration into the West of this Mother of all Others, Islam -- the only Other with a blueprint for, and cultivation of, the desideratum to destroy our societies in the name of their vision of the truth.
Hey Flo, can I get another cup of coffee...?