Sunday, September 25, 2022

"Taking Stock of The Daily Decaf" [drafted in January 2020, a month before Leftists destroyed the world]

This is going to be a tour of The Daily Decaf.  This little ol' blog I created after the débâcle of my previous blog The Hesperado, which I had maintained for over 10 years racking up 1,427 postings from approximately 2007 to 2018. Suffice it to sum up the un-upsummable: Various things conspired in my life and in my psyche during that decade to make me want to give that blog up;  the most important of which was my deep disappointment if not dismay at 'the Counter-Jihad.'

So far, The Daily Decaf pales in comparison to The Hesperado, in quantity and quality. [My future self would add that in the intervening 2.5 years since, that assessment remains accurate.] The premise of the title of the blog was that I would be posting my thoughts about the 'decaf' that's out there in the Counter-Jihad -- ‘decaffeinated’ and thus watered down & insipid in comparison with the disturbingly robust, alarmingly flavorful, and monstrously toxic coffee of Islam that we must wake up to. [Since the Covid Catastrophe hit and registered on my psyche beginning a couple of months after, in March of 2020, this blog has refocused its attention from the problem of the problem of Islam (the problem of the West inadequately grappling with the primary problem, of Islam) to the problem of the problem of Covid (the Western Mainstream using a dubiously verified "pandemic" to transform the West into a process opening it up for systemic fascism.]
I thought I'd create a new posting that would just go through all my previous published postings to date here and append a little capsule commentary to each one (which hopefully will not be voluminously verbose).

Let's get cracking then, shall we?

My first posting I penned on Saturday, September 16, 2017. Titled The Counter-Jihad Mainstream: Still soft and incoherent after all these years, it reads like a suitable salvo fired off the starboard bow at the flabbiness and nougat of the Counter-Jihad. Next up: "The Jihad of Criminality" -- appropriately posted the next day (Sunday, September 17); a good habit I've failed to keep up, oftentimes letting not only many days go by but even weeks. Be that as it may, this second posting took a break from jabbing at the Counter-Jihad to merely call the reader's attention to this often neglected subtype of Jihad.

Again, like clockwork, on Monday the very next day, I posted a little something about the subcategory of the problem of the problem of the problem -- namely, what I have called "Christian Wilsonianism".

As an aside, I will note that what i have tried to do is provide links whenever I make an important claim or wish to redirect the reader to further details -- most of the time linking to my erstwhile blog, The Hesperado. Case in point, the preceding posting provided a link to my older article Christian Wilsonianism which, in turn, contained links to two other, pertinent Hesperado essays. Moving on, on Tuesday I posted The external ray guns of PC MC... poking serious fun at the Counter-JIhad's tendency to over-simplify the Politically Correct Multi-Culturalism that dominates Western culture and continues to whitewash the problem of Islam as some kind of external force impinging on "the People", somehow causing them to think & feel what they wouldn't ordinarily think & feel about this most exigent issue.

[Well, that was fun, wasn't it? Back to the dystopic present... Again, to remind my 4.25 readers, my daily affirmations on the dévolution et dégringolade of the West may be gleaned from the many tweets I post every day at @ArguiteAdVodkam on Twitter.