Saturday, June 8, 2024

Holy Toledo

Toledo Spain was amazing also fun fact ... 

My last posting here was nearly 3 months ago!  But as my 3.5 readers know, I've often had lacunae like that here, over the last year or two (I should see a doctor about those lacunae...).

Anywho, I'm pleased as punch to announce that I am now on Twitter as "Hesperado" and already have been making minor mischief (utterly unnoticed there, of course).

Otherwise, what else is new...?  Let's see, Blythe, my orange collie who doesn't exist, jumped over the white picket fence that would be really blue if it too existed...

Okay, buddy, enough of that...

All seriousness aside (as Steve Allen used to say), for those of you who are new to this gin joint, it's been around since about 2018, and up until 2020, the focus was on how various people were unduly whitewashing the problem of Islam.  After 2020, my focus changed to Covid, and from there, after my brain exploded, to the internationally coordinated conspiracy that seemed to entail.  Roughly that year marked the date when I transitioned from someone opposed to conspiracy theory -- to a bonafide conspiracy theorist him(my)self.  

New readers should also be warned that I often do weird things with pictures on my postings -- i.e., pictures that seem to have nothing to do with the posting in question.  Just a hangover from cutting my teeth on the nonsense angle of avant-garde Art (Monty Python, Donald Barthelme, MAD Magazine, etc.).