Thursday, December 21, 2017

Good Coffee, Bad Coffee, Better Coffee... hmmm, hard decision there...

But what's the better coffee going to cost me...?

A recent headline on Jihad Watch:

UK: Muslims threaten to kill Muslim boxer for putting up a Christmas tree 

From the story:

“Amir Khan and wife Faryal Makhdoom receive death threats for putting up a Christmas tree,”

The Muslims who threatened Amir and his wife Faryal are, of course, the Bad Coffee/Cops/Muslims.  The interesting question is whether Amir and Faryal are Good Cops, or Better Cops.  That depends entirely on whom they fool -- the broader Western Mainstream, so easy to fool? Or the Counter-Jihad Mainstream, less easy (but, alas, not at all impossible) to fool?  Whichever demographic Amir and Faryal's behavior fools, the fooling consists primarily in the effect their valiant action to put up a Christmas tree (made even more heroic by receiving death threats) will have: tending to reinforce  our decent Western disinclination to cultivate a rational prejudice against all Muslims.

And as long as that rational prejudice is, in myriad ways, many of them quite subtle -- but all involving Muslims who just wanna have a sandwich and coffee -- inhibited, Muslims will continue to have a good chance to realize their dream of destroying "Rome" (i.e., us).

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