Friday, May 17, 2019

Saudi Doody (part 2)

Image result for mecca cafe saudi arabia

In my first part, Howdy Arabia, I discussed the asymptotic weak spot of Hugh Fitzgerald, a famous (in Counter-Jihad circles, that is) member of the Leadership of the Counter-Jihad Mainstream.

As I noted at the end of that posting, Hugh himself responded to our friend "the Big W" who had posted essentially a rough-and-ready salvo against Hugh's gullibility with regard to a Saudi Muslim who affects to be disturbed by the unremarkably Islamic Jew-hatred of his fellow Muslims.  Here again was Big W's finely blunt comment:

What in hell is Hugh talkin’ about? He thinks this Muzzy ain’t lying? He’s obviously lyin’, there ain’t no “positive aspects” in the history of Islam from Day Freaking One. “Muslim-Jewish relations” like beheading hundreds of Jews and raping the wives of Jewish men they slaughtered? I’d like whatever Hugh is smokin’.

And here is Hugh's passive-aggressive response. Bolded portions are added by moi, with my commentary in square brackets:

Hugh Fitzgerald says
May 9, 2019 at 5:31 pm

“I’d like whatever Hugh is smokin’.’

I don’t smoke. Not a puff, of nicotine or marijuana, ever. I drink, very occasionally, a half-glass of wine with dinner. That’s it.My mind is unaffected. My main vice is reading Webster’ 2nd. That does affect my mind. I am sorry that I have infuriated people –people I like –with this piece, the second in two days where I have shown what a credulous dope I am when it comes to these taqiyya-tossing Saudis. How can I be taken in so easily? I still think that these people should not be instantly dismissed, as they were not dismissed by Yigal Carmon and other editors/and translators at MEMRI.
[As the reader can see, Hugh never quite explains why he "still thinks" this.  And as for the MEMRI staff, they never used this to try to justify a gullible receptivity to this Saudi Muslim; they were merely doing their job of documenting significant ejaculations from Muslims. It's up to their audience to interpret them; and Hugh in his article lunged in the wrong (gullible) direction.]

Shobakshi’s piece was not written to fool the Unbelievers but intended for fellow Arabs...
[Hugh has no way of knowing that -- even if Shobakshi had explicitly said so, since the Islamic culture of taqiyya ruins our ability to be certain about any given Muslim saying anything we may find encouraging]

...whom he is trying to convince that their “obsessive Jew-hatred” is both idiotic and disgusting. He has nothing to gain, and potentially a lot to lose, from making such statements. 
[Well sure, this Muslim has "nothing to gain" if one utterly discounts the function & value of the Better Cop taqiyya (whose success, incidentally -- with exquisite irony -- is on display here through Hugh's own sincere defense & justification of his own gullibility)]

I am taking his remarks at face value. 
[Obviously, Hugh; but the pertinent question is why?]

He is trying to construct a narrative that will allow for the possibility of some Muslims not hating some Jews. 
[Well, Hugh doesn't know that this Muslim is "trying to construct" this narrative with the same intention Hugh confers upon him -- except by "taking his remarks at face value"; and he hasn't yet explained why he's doing this.  Unless, perhaps, Hugh's next sentence offers us a clue into his own asymptotic psychology...]

It’s worth a try. 
[Ah, I see.  But why is it worth a try?  It would only be worth a try if we underestimate both the depth & extent of taqiyya, and the perniciously deadly nature of the Islam this Muslim self-identifies with.  Apparently, Hugh, one of the luminaries of that bastion of the Counter-Jihad Mainstream, Jihad Watch, thinks that the putative, ostensible goal of a Muslim to reverse what is profoundly mainstream, traditional, cultural and institutional in Islam -- namely, Jew hatred -- is a viable endeavor from which we should withhold our reasonably scathing skepticism.  And other than our friend "Big W" none of the other members of the Readership on Hugh's article -- i.e., the Civilians who commented -- seemed to have any problem with Hugh's shocking gullibility.]

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