Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Big W: R.I.P. (Roast In Peace)

Image result for the big lebowski coffee

As I noted in my first installment in this sort of series (Bye, Bye, Big W...), I can't think of a good reason why Robert Spencer and his tech genius "Marc" had apparently seen fit to ban the commenting presence of our old friend The Big W (other than their hairtrigger hypersensitivity which, of course, is not a good reason).

And in the second installment (Ruminations on the passing of "The Big W"), I reported just how extensive was this action taken by Robert and Marc against Big W -- not only apparently banning him now, but retroactively deleting all his comments on various Jihad Watch articles going back months...!  As of yesterday, I had noted that this anti-Big-W frenzy reached back only to August of 2019, apparently, and left his comments untouched at least in May (I could find no records from June or July [EDIT: I have now determined that Marc's banning of Big W goes back as far as June of 2019]).  Let us check now to see if Marc hasn't continued his cane-cutting rampage with his virtual machete further back in time...

Well, so far, so good.  As of now, Big W's comments remain in a May 19, 2019, article on Jihad Watch (an article I discuss at length in the 2nd installment, in fact).

At any rate, a clue I had hitherto neglected may be in the comments on one of the two threads I pinpointed in my first installment, involving a character who calls himself "Liatris Spicata" whom years ago I recall tangling with on Jihad Watch comments (I could only find these two for now, in which my nickname at the time was "voegelinian").  In the previously alluded more recent Jihad Watch comments field, "Liatris Spicata" guy brought up some preoccupation he had not only generally with Robert's heavy-handed and often arbitrary censorship of Jihad Watch comments, but specifically with a dispute the two of them had had years ago about Middle Eastern Christians (specifically "Melkite").  Apparently, from what I could glean, this "Liatris Spicata" fellow's position is that we should sympathize with the dhimmitude we see among Middle Eastern Christians (now and in history), insofar as living under Islamic rule can be brutal and we shouldn't expect all or most Middle Eastern Christians to be superheros or saints.  While Robert did deign to lower himself to participate in the comments fields of his lowly fan base (he used to do this quite often, a decade ago, but nowadays practically never), he of course didn't share any statements disclosing his poker hand (he's always on guard, it seems); rather wielding his sophistry rapier left and right to fend off "Liatris Spicata" on more general terms.  At a certain juncture there, when I checked back on that growing and interesting dispute, I saw our old friend Big W weigh in, effectively on the side of the point being made by this "Liatris Spicata" person -- to wit, that he could understand how and why Middle Eastern Christians would swallow their pride and their conscience, since they're only human in fact, and the rule of Muslims, far more nightmarish than any Jim Crow laws even, could make even a good man break and compromise.  Perhaps this was the final straw for Robert?  He didn't want this kind of notion spreading?  It would be ironic if so, since Robert is otherwise so nougaty about the problem of Islam and, more appositely, of Muslims.

The other possibility lies in the more on-topic issue of that thread which dealt with Michelle Malkin -- and since that thread was centrally related to Nick Fuentes, it dealt with the problem of Jews and anti-Semitism.  I noticed Big W lodge at least 2 or 3 comments expressing a reasonable concern, let us say, with the problem of Jewish Leftism (closely related to the problem of the self-hating Jew); but also he seemed to be reluctant to condemn Nick Fuentes out of the box and seemed to counsel at least some guarded skepticism on the matter.  Perhaps that was the straw for Robert (and for Marc, who is himself a Jew who is soft on Muslims -- at least the Muslims his grandfather says are okay because they drink beers and seem to like dogs...).

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