Tuesday, January 23, 2018

"Get your Mo Joes here... Iced Muslim with milk, Mohammedan Venti, Grande, Trenti, Blonde Roast Revert, Decaf Moderate, Triple Decaf Reformer (the "Tarek Fatah"), Shia Latté, Sunni Black, Extremist Espresso..."


One of the staunchly anti-Islam Civilians from the Readership commenting in that flagship of the Leadership of the Counter-Jihad Mainstream, Jihad Watch, boldly writes:

....There is no ‘radical Islam’There is just Islam.Muslims can decide which parts of the quran they want to practice.The more ‘educated’ amongst them choose to ignore their book. ‘Education ‘being the factor.Islam depends on the ignorance of its followers to survive.Without Jihad Islam will die.

How does roger know this?  He doesn't of course, unless he has a Mohammedan Mind-Reading App -- and even if he had one, that App, if it can't read hundreds of millions of Mohammedan minds, would be worthless to our sprawling, massive, complex security needs, with millions upon millions of Muslims pouring into the West and roiling and percolating throughout all institutions of our Body Geopolitic.  Not to mention that time and time again, we have found terrorists and terrorist supporters to be college educated and middle class or above in wealth.

At any rate, his "educated Muslims" is yet another flavor of harmless Muslim to add to the list which the Counter-Jihad has generated over the years in its asymptotic anxiety trying to forestall the inevitable rational prejudice against all Muslims which the weight of the mountain of data about the problem of Islam leads us: 

Lax Muslims,  
Non-Observant Muslims,
Muslims Who Don’t Know Their Own Islam,  
Muslims Who Don't Take Islam Seriously, 
Muslims Who Are Too Afraid To Come Out of the Secularist Closet,  
the MINOs ("Muslims In Name Only")
Muslims Who Lack Conviction to Carry Islam Out, 
the Not Fully Compliant Muslims,
Reluctant Muslims,
Muslims Who Truly Don't Care About Islam,
Non-Muslim Muslims,

Etc. etc. et al. (qaeda)...

As with the panoply of different coffees at a typical café, many of these flavors don't seem to be that different from some of the others. At the end of the day, all of them have a basic function: to forestall our inevitable wake-up call to smell the Mohammedan coffee.

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