Sunday, March 10, 2019

Under the bus without a plan

Image result for under the bus coffee

The "under the bus" phenomenon -- throwing blacks, or women, or gays, etc., under the bus in favor of Muslims -- I've been noticing for years now (see The new totem pole as well as The Multi-Culturalist Caste System).  It's been only recently that I've seen a recognition in the Counter-Jihad Mainstream of this important factor.

One older essay of mine from September of 2013 laid out the general framework that situates this problem -- a general framework that, alas, reflects the infirm state of "the Counter-Jihad" in terms of its ability to prevail in the most important phase of this war we are in (waged against us by Muslims): the War of Ideas to try to wake up our fellow Westerners to that Longest War, that has lasted for over 1,400 years, only put on hold temporarily when Muslims were unable.

That old essay -- titled The Counter-Jihad: Still A.I.M.less -- speaks to the need for us to have a digital "Anti-Islam Manual" (A.I.M.).  It was a dire need in 2013, unaddressed by the Counter-Jihad Mainstream Leadership (and all but unnoticed by the Readership) -- and it remains not even a low priority, but no priority at all.

Indeed, I was calling for such a Manual as far back as 2008 ("Fitna is good propaganda, but we still need an Anti-Islam Manual") and continued to pen appeals over the years (as these two from 2011 --"The aim of the A.I.M. should be an A.I.M." and "Why we need an Anti-Islam Manual").  Nobody was listening to me then, and still, to this day, nobody seems to care as we slouch toward 2020 with no adequate hindsight in sight.

Getting back to our title today, I noted in that old essay how our opposition -- the Islamopologists (whether Muslim or PC MC) -- is at an advantage for various reasons, including that they seem to have a guiding "memo" which they all seem to have been reading; whereas the Counter-Jihad continues to flounder in ill organization, inadequate verification of claims, and TMI (too much information that only serves to cause the "glazed over eyes" syndrome in our audience).

Thus I wrote:

The Islamopologists already have an extant template -- the PC MC template -- and this template, furthermore has been dominant and mainstream for at least 50 years throughout the West.  Its main mechanisms of Reverse Racism (and the flip side of that well-worn coin Excessive Self-Criticism of the West) turn out to fit Muslims perfectly like a glove; and so we must acquit, all day long (until some day, we must submit).  Hand over fist it's hand in glove, insofar as Muslims are treated by the PC MC mainstream as an Ethnic People (or better yet, a wonderful "tapestry" or "mosaic" or "rainbow" of Ethnic Peoples) -- indeed, Muslims have become designated the #1 Ethnic People in the world where, if we must make a choice between them and other Ethnic Peoples, we must throw the latter under the bus.

So, better late than never (perhaps), Robert Spencer -- in a recent story about a young black novelist who had to withdraw his latest novel because of a Twitterstorm of rage directed at him, all due to the fact that he dared to have a Muslim villain in his plot -- has lately been showing signs of noticing what I've been harping on for over a decade:

Novelist pulls book before publication after Twitter mob outrage over its featuring a Muslim villain

Because in the Left’s fantasy world, Muslims are not and can never be villains; they are always and in every case victims of hateful, “Islamophobic” Western Christians. Step out of line, even if you’re a trendy, black, gay “sensitivity reader,” and the mob will get you. Even the New York Times is shocked in this case, and laments of Kosoko Jackson’s withdrawn book that “it should have failed or succeeded in the marketplace of ideas. But it was never given the chance. The mob got to it first.”

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