We could call this absurd cup of coffee a Caf-Decaf. Curiously comical if just an item in a cafe; but dismayingly counter-productive if a meme in the Counter-Jihad.
As far as I can tell, all the Luminaries in the Counter-Jihad retail this effectively impracticable cup o' Counter-Jihad Joe; nonetheless unobjectionably (if not usually commendably) tasty to its loyal clientele.
The caffeine of the metaphor is the robustly aromatic (and therefore disturbing) awareness of having woken up and smelled the Islamic coffee; the decaf is the various flavors and styles of watering down that bitterly strong java. I can understand the broader Western Mainstream indulging this inconsistent if not self-contradictory nonsense; but when the Counter-Jihad regularly sells this swill over the counter, it's face-palm (if not forehead-desktop) time.
The latest example of this is from the hyphenated Christine Douglass-Williams, a regular contributor to that bastion of the Counter-Jihad Mainstream, Jihad Watch. Double-virtue-signalling phrases such as the following seem to flow from her pen as readily as cappuccino froth flows from an espresso steam wand:
At the root of the jihad against Christians globally (and also against minorities) is Islam’s supremacist doctrine. Not all Muslims choose to follow this doctrine, and many have also been victimized by it.
More pertinently (and therefore more dispiritingly), we see in another of her postings from the same day a glimpse into an exquisite irony; an irony she seems happily unaware of. Relaying a report from Breitbart about what the latest mujaheed jihadin' on the London Bridge portends, she prefaces:
No one welcomes bad news, but denial can lead to even more bad news. A stark example is the reality of jihad terror. Ignoring its root cause will not make it go away. The article below highlights both good news and bad news associated with the London Bridge terror attack. It applauds human resilience and the readiness to sacrifice oneself for others. It states boldly that “people have had enough”...
The irony here is that Christine Douglass-Williams herself seems to be in denial of just how broad and deep is the danger of Islam. Why I say this, aside from the first asymptotic twinge I quoted above, my readers will be able to piece together from the various essays I've written about her -- a brief allusion on this blog; and several longer more detailed essays on my heretofore Hesperado.
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