Sunday, May 31, 2020


Democracy vs. disease: the role of freedom in facing pandemics ...

During these weird, stressful, bewildering, infuriating weeks of corona madness, I've found some measure of solace in the daily informative tweets of Alex Berenson.

Alex seems to be a corona skeptic, though he has some flaws. Early on, I detected a telltale whiff of Leftism, when he was casting about for analogies to our current corona madness in history, and he seemed to leap to "Vietnam" -- not in the right way, as a debacle caused by the Jane Fonda/John Kerry/Walter Cronkite Left, but, one senses, in the war itself as a war that should not have been waged at all.

So it was not that much of a surprise, though still dismaying, when in a spasm of virtue-signalling, Alex reflexively praised an AOC tweet about the current Black/Leftist riots:

"At a time when leadership is hard to find [an obviously elliptical dig at Trump], this is impressive and surprising."

AOC's tweet Alex was gushing over:

"We need rapid, real de-escalation and we need it right now. We cannot descend into the chaos of violence. Please everyone, stay safe."

It was heartening, nonetheless, that his fan base effectively said "Dude, are you kidding?" -- and provided good reasons for his lapse, which my 9.5 readers (up from 7.5) should read through (though, as I pointed out in a tweet therein under my handle HesperadoBlue, "albeit with kid gloves"). 

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