Saturday, June 13, 2020

Corona Conspiracy...? (Part 1)

George C. Scott Photo 1971 The Hospital | Movie photo, Vintage

This whole coronamania in all its dizzyingly diverse madness has given me pause about my perennial disinclination to "reach for" the conspiracy theory.

There have been many sociopolitical outbursts and conditions of pneumopathology (Eric Voegelin's term for "spiritual disease") over the years, decades (even centuries -- but let's stick to the relative present) that are so remarkably phenomena of mass neurosis they become conducive to the conspiracy theory explanation. Three I can think of off the top of my head:

1) the systemic whitewashing of the pernicious human rights violations and dangers of Islam;

2) the systemic misinformation-cum-disinformation about climate change from the establishment;

3) the systemic Trump-bashing that has veritably reached derangement.

All along during these overlapping processes of mass irrationality, I resisted "going there" to the conspiracy theory, and even many times on my former blog The Hesperado I would have recourse to my meme "the Explanatory Vacuum" (for example, this one) -- which essentially refers to the reflexive tendency many have in the Counter-Jihad to explain the general myopia & deference to Islam by some sort of conspiracy, because they lack an explanation otherwise (hence, the "vacuum" that has to be filled).

Well, a 4th major sociopolitical phenomenon of mass neurosis has reared its ugly head in the last few months -- the corona panic-mongering.  It's become so bad, in so many complex ways, that early on I realized this is no longer a mass neurosis, it's a mass psychosis.

Now, mass psychoses don't just happen for no reason, do they?  The question is, what are the reasons for this complex, massively throbbing tissue of diseased sociopolitics otherwise known as coronamania?  I don't have an easy answer, if any; I can say the conspiracy theory is looking better and better as time goes along -- but at the same time, some of its features seem to militate against "reaching for" the conspiracy theory.

(A part 2 will hopefully be forthcoming in the near future...)

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