Sunday, April 11, 2021

The Conundrum & Coordination of Counter-Covid Communication

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By "Covid" in my title, I don't mean the putative virus, but the massive, strange, complex, possibly sinister welter of reactions to it by governments and their media/medicine proxies around the world.

The "Communication" concerns both communication among Covid Dissenters, and their communication to the world outside their apparently still small, albeit growing movement.

Part of the "Conundrum" is that there is, as yet, no cohesive movement per se, with a coherent message.  The first order of business, it would seem, would be for all people who feel  disaffected and disturbed by this freaky year we've been having since approximately March of 2020 to consciously come together -- for now, merely to be aware of being part of a relatively like-minded community.

As I put it in a tweet about a week ago (probably only seen by 4.5 people):

1st step -- just set up a basic virtual home base where we all merely acknowledge that we have joined together. No other obligations, no other discussions. Just our names/nicknames + contact information (can be an anonymous email or a personal blog). Nothing else. 2nd step later.

Whether people heed me or not, it remains the logical first step.

Once we're all knowing we're together and we have a place somewhere on the Internet to hang our hats, so to speak, we can think about scheduling a global town meeting, using that place or some other platform.  I recommend a chat service called "Paltalk" where chatters can type text and converse vocally with mic chat.

No doubt part, or much of the process of discussion -- and inevitable disagreement -- will be messy, but that's life.  

The first topic we should discuss at the town hall, it seems to me, is to iron out a single platform to our movement -- coming to a general agreement on the wording that will balance two competing qualities:  

a) it should be as comprehensive as possible; and 

b) it should also be attentive to internal disagreements.  

An example of disagreements includes those who believe there is a Covid virus that is deadly vs. those who maintain that evidence for a Covid virus (deadly or otherwise) has not been presented.

To recap:

If the movement is to cohere at all, it must sequentially proceed through 3 steps:

1) Everyone joins up at a single agreed-upon place on the Internet.

2) Once #1 has settled in, we schedule a global town meeting.

3) At that town meeting, we hammer out a single platform that represents us all, despite any potentially significant disagreements.

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