Tuesday, September 7, 2021

To tweet or not to tweet; what is the question.

Park Bench Deli Cafe Singapore Interior

Well, my latest lull-slash-absence hasn't been as egregious as some I've had in the past.  My last posting was July 12, and it's now September 7, so do the math, as the kids used to say.

I've been engrossed in Twitter, where I have found quite a diverse array of fellow "tribe" members, all of whom taken together, though we may disagree about many things -- some important -- nevertheless are united around our conviction that the worldwide, West-led response to Covid stinks like a mountain of rotten fish.

In the meantime, about a week ago, I was suspended from Twitter, with the promise that in a week my account would be restored.  Occasionally I forget my timeline and try to tweet, only to receive notice that my suspension is still active, with a reminder of how long I have to wait before I can resume Twittering.  

A couple of times, however, I could swear they are monkeying with my due date.  So I will preserve in amber, so to say, the last time I looked, a few minutes ago.  One can plainly see from the screen shot below that they promise I can tweet again in "1 hour and 38  minutes" -- and if the reader looks to the left, he will see the time-stamp:  1:23 pm (September 7, 2021).  That means that according to Twitter, I should be able to tweet at 2:58 pm.  I'll give them 2 minutes grace, and try to tweet at 3:00 pm today.  I have a sneaking suspicion they'll try some funny business. Let's hope I'm wrong.

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