Monday, May 29, 2023

Just checking in

 As is more often the case than not, I've been remiss in posting here.  Nothing much new to report.  The cosmos remains destroyed by Leftists and life goes on with a limp and one glaring bloodshot eye.  As I've mentioned a few times before, if one wants a more regular and virtually daily sense of my thoughts on matters current, a far more useful place to go would be my Twitter account @ArguiteAdVodkam.  The combination we must reasonably assume is sociopolitical reality -- namely, of conspiracy and non-conspiracy intertwined (if only often by necessity) -- remains an odd concept to contemplate.  And it remains conceptual to the extent that we -- at least we peasants (a term which comprises the vast majority of us observers of the ongoing unfolding catastrophe of the West, including those quasi-grifting semi-famous pundits who put on airs of being more in the know than is plausible) -- cannot really know enough to comprehend the puzzle's totality and must perforce deal with a few pieces as we conjecture and make reasonable inferences.  The phenomenon would be easier to grasp were it not a paradox, and we could lapse back into either relaxing into "there is no conspiracy, there's just the perennial problem of corruption waxing and waning" -- or into the gnostic conviction that "everything is the Matrix".  A combination of the two is much more difficult to wrap one's head around (and from there, to analyze); but we intuit it's the most realistic.

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