Thursday, September 28, 2017

False Dilemma much...?

In the comments field of a recent Jihad Watch article, one "Westman" (a veteran commenter as I recall, and if not an active member of the Rabbit Pack, at least a figuratively dues-paying member and -- no surprise -- an asymptotic) wrote the following:

I can agree, without reservation, that Islam is the “mother lode of bad ideas” yet that is not sufficent reason to declare that EVERY Muslim is a danger to Western civilization.

Notice how Westman is taking the crux of the whole issue by the horns -- the problem of Islam vs. the problem of Muslims.  Let's read on:

On what basis do you equate Islam, the ideology, and all Muslims, as individual persons, to be one and the same? Are Christians all one and the same? Could we excuse ourselves if we told Christians they are all like Jim Jones, the Branch Davidians, or the Westboro Baptist church?

Oh dear, how did an Equivalencist get into the Counter-Jihad Mainstream?  Easy, since there isn't really an Anti-Islam Movement of any coherence. And so Westman botches that crux, and nobody in the Counter-Jihad Mainstream sets him straight.

I have no problems with Muslims who reject Sharia and teachings that conflict with freedom; just as we recognize that Protestants who reject Catholicism are still Christians. 

I too have no problems with Muslims who reject Sharia and  teachings that conflict with freedom; except for the minor inconvenience of taqiyya.

Frankly, if we judge all Muslims to be adherents of Shariah there are no solutions left to maintain Western civilization but war and genocide.

Woah, Nelly.  Since when are those the only two choices?  Time and time again, I see Counter-Jihad Mainstreamers (whether of the Leadership, or Civilians like Westman) set up this false dilemma, as if the D Word -- closely related to the A Word -- didn't exist, or Must Not Be Spoken.

Read what the non-veteran commenter, "Maxine", says (responding to Westman's preposterous hope in the Great Awakening of Muslims), which prompted Westman's anxious need to defend Muslims.

Naturally, none of the Jihad Watch regulars or veterans paid attention to this most crucial disagreement between Westman and Maxine (and heaven forbid they should actually step in to stand with Maxine's sound instincts).

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