Thursday, September 28, 2017

"I'll have a Triple Moderate Jihadaccino please..."

“We see what is happening in Sweden, in Britain, and in France. We are experiencing now the fear that you have experienced for decades.”

And Robert Spencer opines:

The same fear, emanating from the same cause. Israel is on the front lines of the global jihad. Anyone who understands the nature, magnitude, and goal of that jihad will stand with Israel.

Does Spencer, or anyone in the Counter-Jihad Mainstream understand the nature, magnitude, and goal of the Jihad?  Just because someone says they understand it, doesn't mean they do.  Then we have the problem that Spencer has never sat down to actually describe what he thinks defines those three facets of the primary problem of Islam.  His sycophantic followers just trust him implicitly (and besides, they too seem to indulge impoverished, unimaginative conceptions of those three facets).

Just one point for now, since I want to keep these coffee shots short and bittersweet:  The Islamic terrorism we have seen to date throughout the West, and that continues to bubble as in an ongoing cauldron with the heat being slowly turned higher and higher, is not itself calculated to topple or/and unravel our civilization, if by those effects we imagine a concurrent, present, short-term intention.  They are calculated to produce a protracted effect that will slowly alter the course and nature of our Western societies -- not so that we succumb to "Sharia creep" (as so many in the Counter-Jihad Mainstream suppose), but rather, so that we continue to do nothing as Muslims infiltrate ever more deeply into the fabric of our societies.  The ultimate goal being to foster the ability at some distant point in the future (100 years or more, pace the Chicken Littles of the Counter-Jihad Mainstream) for Muslims to be able to finally destroy our Western civilization with rampant bouts of violence including a concatenation of WMD attacks in scores, if not hundreds of cities, that will make 911 seem like a picnic. 

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