Monday, December 4, 2017

"Waiter, there's a fly in my coffee..."

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A recent Jihad Watch report relayed this headline:

Pakistan: Video shows civilians aiding jihadis screaming “Allahu akbar” while murdering 13 at college

Robert Spencer editorialized:

“We can’t say for sure whether or not it was an inside job. But yes, there are some people in the footage seen guiding the terrorists.” Certainly there is no shortage of jihad sympathizers among Pakistani civilians. And why is that? Because they realize the Islamic justifications for what the jihadis do. 

The fly in my frappaccino was the phrase I bolded:  “they realized.”  Somehow, I don't think the fanaticism of a Pakistani Muslim rabble, inculcated over a lifetime of a sociocultural process of intricate inculcation steeped in the complex madness of Islam, involves any form of “realization.” One reasonably smells here in Spencer's phrase the telltale hint of the flawed radicalization” meme (along with the implicit, corollary meme, “Muslims must be like us deep down, until outside forces adventitiously radicalize them”).   

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