At about the 26:40 mark of this video, Dave Rubin begins to broach the dreaded JIM topic (Jihad-Islam-Muslims) and to solicit from Katie Hopkins her thoughts. Speaking of dread, I dread listening to these two robustly politically INcorrect mavens start using rhetoric that sounds bold but which in the end thinly disguises an eggshell-traipsing delicacy on the subject. I find that in the end more aggravating than listening to Mainstream PC MCs indulge their Islamophilia, because at least with those types, you're getting what you're expecting. But the Dave Rubins and Sam Harrises and Katie Hopkinseseses ought to know better -- and indeed, they routinely affect to be so much better than the PC MCs.
So stay tuned readers. I shall grit my teeth and clench my dentist chair arms and suffer through Dave and Katie being oh-so tough on Islam; and will report back here anon.
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