Saturday, February 1, 2020

Holy Sandwich, Batman!

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In my most recent posting, I left the reader with a cliffhanger: I was going to listen to the video of Dave Rubin discussing the problem of Islam with Katie Hopkins. As I said there, I didn't relish the prospect, because over the years, I've been burned too many times by people I thought were smarter than that, proceeding to spew various flavors of whitewashing decaf about the problem of Islam masquerading as robust coffee.

Well, I listened to it, and holy crap, it's worse than I thought.  What Dave & Katie proceed to say is essentially the same bullshit as what Ben Affleck "articulated" in his infamous rant against Sam Harris on the Bill Maher show (back in 2014), culminating in his rage-throttled virtue-signalling orgasm about "most Muslims just wanna have a sandwich". In fact, it's worse, because Dave & Katie should know better (and they certainly act all the time like they know better). 

Let's look at the dismaying transcript, shall we?  Starting at 26:42, but keep in mind that I relied on the YouTube transcript and tried to correct while listening, but Dave especially talks in a rapid stream of halting, backtracking, hemming-and-hawing verbiage, much of which is not really pertinent, so I will use ellipses at times:

Dave: Okay so alright look so let's talk about Islam because I don't know if you know this but a lot of people are talking about it, you're talking about it a lot, so how much of this -- it's hard for me sometimes when I follow certain people on Twitter to figure out how much of this stuff is actually real versus just sort of, you know, if everyone -- I'm not saying you specifically but just people that cherry-pick ... you know we hear about these rape groups now in England and that there were major cover-ups, we hear about these no-go zones, we hear about plenty of the street preachers and what's happening in the mosques and all this stuff.  I've tried incredibly hard for the years that I've been doing this show to separate the ideas of Islam which is a set of ideas that should be criticized the same way you could criticize the ideas that are [in] Judaism [and] ideas in Christianity or the ideas that are [in] capitalism or anything else ... versus Muslims who are people -- the vast majority who want the same exact things that you want and I want and everybody else. How big of an issue do you think this battle between the ideas Islam and the West is? Or did I even frame that properly?

Katie: No, I think it's fair the way you frame it and I think it would be a great thing if we were able to in our daily lives I'm talking about in the UK if we were able to separate those two things out nice and neatly so that it was about Islam and the ideology and a criticism of that versus regular Muslims living in the UK many of whom are working very hard many of them, have been here for generations and just want to crack on and do the same as the rest of us, which is look after our families, work hard and try and be ... healthy and happy as much as we can. 

* * * * * 

In Part 3, I'll weigh in on these glibly obscene, double-virtue-signalling ejaculations oozing out of the mouths of Dave and Katie.

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