Saturday, November 27, 2021

Omicronology: A variant of the permutating Covid Narrative

For well over a year I've been noticing how many of the memes & tropes promulgated by the Covid Dissidents have certain rhetorical mechanisms by which they end up reinforcing the very thing (viz., the Covid Narrative) they are opposing.  I christened this "Berensonianism" named after one of its chief offenders, Alex Berenson (chief not only by his talent in so doing, but also by his influence in the Covid Dissident Movement).

Aside from old Alex, I've been noticing this tendency among many in the quasi-Leadership of the Movement -- e.g., Richard Fleming, Stephen McCullough, Robert Malone, and the up-and-coming Geert Vanden Bossche: and their latest meme and/or trope involves the latest flavor out from the Covid Mainstream, this brand spanking new "omicron variant".   

Instead of opposing this latest flavor head-on, these dissident experts only critique one aspect of it.  The "omicron" panic porn which revamps the Mainstream Covid Narrative of perpetual fear dependent upon the State is fairly simple:  The ongoing, seemingly perpetual threat of Covid unfolds in new permutations, "variants" of the virus.  Messrs. Fleming, McCullough, Malone and Bossche don't dispute the basic core of this Mainstream meme.  The only component they disagree on is their contention that this latest "variant" isn't just an organic outcome of the virus naturally, but is rather a feature augmented enormously (if not effectively caused by) the epidemiological program of mass vaccination. 

The problem with their approach is two-fold (the two 'folds' intertwined):

1) Of course, the broader, deeper problem is they implicitly and overwhelmingly assume the Mainstream reportage on the existence of "omicron" is true.

2) From there, they implicitly assume that by countering only the one aspect of the "omicron" -- that it is the massively global vaccine program which is fomenting the production of this (and other future variants) -- they will somehow have an effect on the Mainstream Covid Narrative.

Thus (pace #1), by "opposing" the Mainstream omicronology the way they do -- implicitly (if not even explicitly) producing their own version of panic porn by warning of these new variants (e.g., Bossche's call for the world to cease its vaccination programs based mainly if not solely on the supposed variants which mass vaccinations will catalyze) -- they end up reinforcing the substance of the Mainstream Agenda.

And as for #2, they should know by now that the Mainstream doesn't operate by logic or by medical science. The only way to cut off the head of this hydra is to hack at the roots, not futz around with its variant heads.

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1 comment:

  1. And the ongoing fact that Malone and Bossche (among others, like Bhattarcharya, etc.) seem to be given complete freedom on Twitter to promote their "criticism" of Mainstream omicronology ought give one pause as to their motives & role.
