Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Hardcore Panic Porn from Republican Rand Paul


Rand Paul, Republican Congressman, on One American New, 3 Nov. 2021: 

On Fauci and his “gain of function” research meme that has the makings of a scandal (perhaps the Cabal hasn’t seen fit to deploy it as a scandal yet?):

“If this [i.e., Covid] came from a lab, there’s a danger this could happen again with a much more lethal virus…

"I’m afraid we’re sort of at wit’s end with trying to get the truth out of him [i.e., Fauci]; I don’t think he’s going to be honest. But he will be confronted with the contradictory information that’s now come out with NIH saying basically they did fund research in which viruses became more dangerous. How is that not gain of function? … As we speak, our money is still going to those labs in China, and there’s a danger of a much bigger and worse pandemic coming out. This one killed 1% of the people – 5 million people. What if the next one has 15% mortality, or 50% mortality? God forbid a virus that kills 90% of the world. That could happen …"

The danger of such rhetoric lies not in the ostensible prospect that is the linchpin of Sen. Paul's hardcore panic porn -- namely, an actual virus that deadly -- but rather in what psychological, cultural, and sociopolitical damage & evil such rhetoric could wreak if the Mainstream (and the Cabal deploying the Mainstream) could convince billions of people it's true, just as they did with Covid.

1 comment:

  1. It's aggravating & amusing how few of my own Tribe get the point I'm making with this post; so stuck are they on the assumption that Covid is real.
