So much I could post about this (and so much I have -- for example -- on my old blog, The Hesperado). For now, I'll leave the reader with just one short sentence typed by a conservative professor of philosophy, Fritz Wagner, himself a lifelong student of my favorite philosopher esteemed by many conservatives, Eric Voegelin (though Voegelin himself tended to stay aloof from such lowly political labels as "conservative" or "liberal").
This was on the Eric Voegelin forum Wagner (I believe) created back in the day (early 1990s?), on October 26, 2001, a mere four weeks after 911:
"In any event, with the help of Maryam Sharief and Peter von Sivers, I have tried to learn something about Islam and what we are dealing with when we talk about "Islam". As Richard Geldard put it: "Islam is not the problem."
(That "Maryam Sharief," by the way, was (maybe still is?) a hallowed member of the Eric Voegelin society who after 911 was busy posting stuff showing how wonderful Islam is; and when she wrote a posting at that time lauding Voegelin for his searing critiques of his own West, that was the straw that broke this camel's back (pun intended), and I responded with a comment (restraining myself heroically, as I recall) noting how Voegelin, among many other Western intellectuals, found no problem submitting his own West to searing criticism, while the number of Muslim intellectuals we could find who do the same to their Islamic civilization we couldn't even count on the left hand of a Muslim thief (I put it in a far more genteel way). Well, once I submitted that posting, it wasn't long before the Conservative Forum administrator, Prof. Fritz Wagner, banned me from the forum, after giving me a tongue-lashing for being so impertinent as to dare to address their Brown Pet in such an uncivil fashion.)
After typing that atrocity ("Islam is not the problem"), Wagner goes on to tell readers that they may find his further expatiation on the matter at a link to an essay he wrote, virtue-signallingly entitled, "The Other". The reader can read all about it on an old Hesperado essay I wrote back in 2012. Among other aggrieving things I note there, is the appalling fact that Wagner apparently learned nothing 10 years after he wrote that essay, and actually affirmed it on the 10th anniversary of 911.
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