Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Surgeon General warning: "This decafeinated coffee might not prevent you from falling asleep."

Image result for surgeon general warning coffee

In a recent posting on Jihad Watch, Robert Spencer boldly goes where it's safe to go, boldly supporting the Australian government's decision to strip the citizenship of an "Australian" Muslim who had joined ISIS:

All free nations should do this as a matter of course, but the suicidal British and others have instead welcomed them back. They joined an entity that has repeatedly declared that it is at war with their home countries. That should have been taken as a renunciation of citizenship.

And sure as rain follows a gay pride parade, our new friend "Big W" points out what should be the counter-jihadistically obvious:


says Dec 29, 2018 at 2:01 pm 

What’s the difference between ISIS and Islam? Yeah they are different, Islam can fool people (or make us fool ourselves) into thinking it’s not a condition for deporting. 

I.e., if there's no (relevant) difference  between ISIS and Islam, why not do the same thing to any and all members of the latter group what Spencer boldly advocates for members of the former?  Obviously, as we have seen many times, Spencer prevaricates on this issue, clearly implying that there is in fact a relevant difference -- such that, specifically, Muslims qua Muslims are not problematic to remain (and continue to aggrandize) in the West.

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