Friday, November 15, 2019

Imagine an A.I.M phone app for the A.I.M.

Image result for phone cafe"

The first A.I.M of my title today stands for "Anti-Islam Manual". The second one, "Anti-Islam Movement".

Neither exists; but it's long past time they should (if it ain't in fact too late).

About this I've written many a time on my old blog, The Hesperado -- particularly this one, which zeroes in on the point:

The aim of the A.I.M. should be an A.I.M.

I was reminded again of this need by a recent Jihad Watch headline:

Finland: Leftist Muslim migrant politician admits he fabricated story about man who told him “go back to Somalia”

Aside from the unfortunate absurdity of Robert Spencer's "Leftist Muslim" (as if a Muslim can be a Leftist any more than he or she can be anything Western), the story concerns one of the multitudes of sub-categories of the Problem of Islam (and the secondary Problem of the West Inadequately Dealing with the aforementioned Problem of Islam).

What subcategory? Well, I'm glad you asked, Pepe.  This particular subcategory is "another Muslim fakes a hate crime".

The main theater of the problem of Islam is currently the war of ideas; and the main "warriors" in this war of ideas are ordinary civilians (and their book-selling Leadership) more or less coagulating into a "Counter-Jihad".  And as warriors of ideas, we civilians who care are effectively "deputized" -- and being deputized involves more than a plastic badge and a squirt gun: It involves arming yourself with information.

In our age of digital information, "the Counter-Jihad" has no excuse for not developing an A.I.M. (Anti-Islam Manual -- see my essays linked up top for details).

What such an A.I.M. would contain, amongst the multitudes of sub-categories, would be every story about a Muslim faking a hate crime.  Oh Mammy, there have been many of these over the years. My favorite was from back in 2014 in California, the Muslim man who claimed his murdered wife was murdered by Islamophobic haters; the only problem was that the Muslim husband who murdered his own wife in an "honor killing" had faked the note he claimed to have found in his home which read, "Go back to your country, terrorist".

So, with an A.I.M. app, alls ya needs ta do is just punch in key words onto your phone (or speak into it) "faked hate crimes against Muslims", and voilĂ ! There you have all the data you need to fend off some snarky Westerner who thinks that particular subcategory is not a problem. Armed with this data, the civilian deputy for the Counter-Jihad can then make a case for the speciousness of the "hate crime" stats inflated by Islam apologists.

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