Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Another asymptotic twitch...?

Image result for asymptote cafe

Hugh Fitzgerald, a veteran Counter-Jihadist who used to be “Vice-President” of Jihad Watch and contributed many prolix perorations there in the old days, then mysteriously disappeared -- then has returned and remains there -- is the reason (if memory serves me) I developed the term “asymptotic” in the first place. 

One can consult the links contained within the link above for more detailed descriptions of what I mean by this, but in a nutshell it means “getting closer and closer to a thoroughly anti-Islam position but never quite arriving there”.  The asymptotic analyst, then, is better than the run-of-the-mill analyst still laboring under the broader Mainstream framework of a Tiny Minority of Extremists Who Are Hijacking Islam, and is better even than many others in the Counter-Jihad; yet for some reason can't quite translate the logic of the dot-connection into the holistic position I have succinctly defined as “the problem is Islam and all Muslims enable Islam”.

Anywho, in a recent multi-part series about Gerard Batten of the UKIP, Hugh points out more than once that Batten has been criticized by Nigel Farage for being too preoccupied with the problem of Islam -- clearly implying that, on this point, Farage is in the wrong and Batten in the right.

Then Hugh has to manifest this asymptotic twitch:

...his interviewer, one Gillian Joseph, expressed her distaste and disbelief. She first described his appearance at what she called an “anti-Islam rally.”

Batten promptly corrects her: “It was not an anti-Islam rally, but a rally for justice for women and girls.”

 Clearly, Hugh approves of Batten “promptly correcting” her impression that this rally was anti-Islam -- for, Heaven forbid it should be anti-Islam!

We're nearing the end of 2018, and a leading member of the Leadership of the Counter-Jihad Mainstream, plus a leading politician with one foot proudly in the Counter-Jihad Mainstream, both still recoil like shrinking violets from affirming clearly and boldly their opposition to Islam. No wonder I've grown pessimistic over the last couple of years.

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