Friday, November 16, 2018

Yo, Flo, your better cuppa Moe-Jo made me lose my Mojo...

Image result for the mojo cafe

Over the years in many essays on my former blog The Hesperado, I developed the term "Better Cop Muslim" to distinguish a new type of taqiyya artist, a smoother & slicker salesman whose sophistry I realized is targeting not the Western mainstream -- already fooled by the garden-variety "Good Cop Muslims" -- but rather precisely the slowly growing (at an achingly half-frozen snail's pace) Counter-Jihad.

One of those essays, The Role of the Better Moes, I think is particularly worth reading.

Midway through that long analytical essay, I ask the pivotal question:

Why is there such a fertile soil of receptivity in the Counter-Jihad Mainstream to the new-and-improved sales pitch of these Better Moes?

And I attempt an answer.

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