Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Je suis Jésuite!

Image result for jesuits drinking coffee

My enthusiastic identification with Jesuits in my title is not in reference to the Islam defender Pope Frank above (himself a Jesuit), sucking not coffee, not even decaf, but Leftist yerba mate. It was (and remains) in response to Father Manuel Carreira, a Spanish Jesuit and also an astrophysicist, whose salutary words Jihad Watch bannered in a piece on him a couple of years ago:

“Islam is the worst plague that humanity has seen in the past 2000 years”

As I wrote in Jihad Watch comments back in 2016 (under the moniker “Fessitude”, near the end of my time there, as my weary disgust was mounting to a crescendo):

From this report, I can only say that Father Manuel Carreira’s Counter-Jihad bonafides is impeccable.

(It’s so refreshing (and so bloody rare) to read a Counter-Jihad individual’s thoughts on the problem of Islam without finding a few annoying nettles of prevarication or spongy, nougaty fungus buried deep within its outward show of bravado.)

The French historian Étienne Gilson has pointed out that the famous French philosopher Réne Descartes was trained by Jesuits, and even the one thing for which he is most famous (the epistemological conclusion, Cogito ergo sum) was, according to Gilson, probably modeled after typical Jesuit exercises of thought experiments to train in logic. With Jesuit Father Carreira (unlike with his Pope), this training in logic has served him well to come to a rational conclusion about Islam -- and we can now update the Cartesian formula:

“I think, therefore I am anti-Islam!”

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