Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Asymptotic analysis (again)...

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In my previous posting -- Our "Reliance" on the Traveler (again) -- I noted the asymptotic tendencies of Hugh Fitzgerald.  There was another Jihad Watch article after the one I looked at in that above-mentioned posting, a 4-part article in which Hugh examines some PC MC bozo in the broader Western Mainstream (one Glenn K. Beaton).  In this article, Hugh just can't help blurting out asymptotic phrases, like:

“Twenty-five percent of Muslims in America are reported to no longer be Believers; are they still being counted, or do they count themselves, for safety’s sake, as Muslims?”

Hugh might protest that he was merely couching it as “reported” and as a question; but the point is, we have to train ourselves to stop indulging these questions that imply that it's viably relevant to conjecture about vaguely significant demographics of Muslims who are not advancing the Jihad -- for the simple reason that we cannot discern the difference, with reliability sufficient for the purposes of our society's future safety on a macro scale, between the harmless Muslim (who may well exist in large numbers) and the Muslims who are in myriad ways (including through the deceit of pretending not to be) advancing the jihad.  This principle, which I just articulated, seems absent -- or at best, seriously impaired -- in Hugh's ratiocinations by which he works out various problems radiating out of Islam and the broader Western Mainstream's ineptitude with same.

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