Saturday, December 22, 2018

"Are you saying that all cups of coffee are bad...?"

Image result for coffee racism

One thing I'd like to do more on this new blog is use it, once in a while, to feature a good old essay from my now deceased blog, The Hesperado.

I've been a-spelunkin' the archives of that old battle-scarred battleship and have run into many good ones. For now, I'll note this one, with a teaser of a quote from it.  The "character" to whom I refer in the first sentence, James Baron, was just some reader commenting on Jihad Watch nearly two years ago (haven't seen hide nor hair of him since) who... well, let the quote spell out the rest:

What I found interesting was that this character, James Baron, was trying to oppose the Jihad Watchers and their supposed bigotry by standing his ground on the old "tarring all Muslims with the same brush" argument.  Unfortunately, the Counter-Jihad Softies who seem to make up the vast majority of Jihad Watchers have no way to confront this argument head-on -- because, in effect, they seem to agree with their opponent on that point.  Where they run afoul of coherence is where their increasingly learned opposition to Islam logically leads to an open-ended condemnation of all Muslims.  But, being deathly afraid of "going there", they stand their ground at various places short of that.  Hence their incoherence.

Don't forget to "read the whole thing", the essay titled Mainstreams confusion, dated February 7, 2017.

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