Back in late summer here, I posted an essay on an interesting aspect of the larger issue of the Jihad. The essay was titled Do-Gooders Without Borders. Unfortunately, it dealt only in passing with this phenomenon.
Part of the problem is that, to do this phenomenon justice, an analysis would have to spend a lot of time researching and marshaling data to back it up. Over the years, I've seen indications and dots-worth-connecting about it, but more often than not, I had other fish to fry and neglected to do my due diligence in bookmarking them.
At any rate, I was recently reminded of this phenomenon by the latest, grisly example of Do-Gooders Without Borders (or, in this case perhaps, Multiculturalist Airheads Without Borders), the two Scandinavian women who were hiking in Morocco and were attacked and murdered by at least three Muslims explicitly in the name of Islam according to the murderers, one of them decapitated (it's shocking that both of the non-Muslim girls weren't decapitated).(This update indicates four Muslims were arrested for the murders, and nine others also arrested for possible complicity.) (Yet another update, indicating up to 20 Muslims were involved; meanwhile authorities are apparently trying valiantly to maintain that this wolf pack was actually some sort of random collection of "lone wolves".)
I noticed one Jihad Watch reader (one "kenek") posted the most relevant data on this:
As my above-linked previous essay discussed, these young women murdered by Muslims in Morocco, due to their politically correct multiculturalist biases probably sought and trusted Muslim locals, translators and guides who were likely part of the group who waylaid them and destroyed their bodies and souls. More research needs to be done about this phenomenon -- of Muslim locals colluding with various mujahideen and terrorists with reference to any terrorist incident that happens when Western tourists recklessly gallivant anywhere in the Muslim world -- to lay the groundwork of a good argument in this respect; but apparently the Counter-Jihad has other priorities (like selling Robert Spencer's latest book).
“Both were students of “outdoor activities and cultural guidance” at the University of Southeastern Norway. ”
These were obviously islamic supporters and good little dhimmis. As liberals they likely shamed anyone who tried to explain the true nature of islam to them and felt very self-righteous about it afterwards. If safety were an issue they would never have gone alone and they certainly never would have gone to any islamic country!
Was it karma? Some of their pets turned on them. The only uncommon part about this case is that we heard about it at all. The only reason it continues to be in the media is because the terrorist cell might kill other moslems.