Over at the Gates of Vienna blog, a commenter named "leCanadien" posted the following, I would say, rather common sentiment in the Counter-Jihad. It was his follow-up comment to requesting of another Civilian of the Counter-Jihad Readership a link for the beheading video of the two Scandinavian girls recently butchered by Muslims in Morocco:
I saw it. Now wish I had not.
It is very disturbing to see such brutality against young innocent people.
I think though that it is necessary viewing for any one who believes islam is peaceful and not a threat to us.
leCanadien's conclusion at the end exemplifies one of the shaky pillars of the "problem3" -- the problem of the Counter-Jihad as it grapples inadequately with both the problem of Islam, and with the secondary problem of the West failing to deal with the problem of Islam.
Namely, an inflated sense of optimism and, related to that, an unrealistic appraisal of what it takes (or would take) to wake up Western Denialists (who abound all around us).
What leCanadien doesn't fully appreciate is just how deep and complicated the Denial is. Here's what the typical carbon-based oxygen-breathing Westerner with opposable thumbs will do upon watching that beheading video:
"Oh that's terrible! Those murderers show how bad the Tiny Minority of Extremists are who don't represent the mainstream Islam of the vast majority of nice Brown Muslims Who Just Wanna Have a Sandwich; and because of that, I'm worried now that all those dangerous far right white supremacists in the West will try to use this video to tar all Muslims with the same brush and have a backlash against them with hate crimes!"
I.e., the last 18 years of the glacially growing Counter-Jihad trying to educate our fellow Westerners has achieved practically nothing.