A recent Jihad Watch headline telegraphs Robert Spencer taking issue with someone publishing at his friend & colleague David Horowitz's flagship site, Frontpage.com:
Brian Kilmeade: Barbary pirates who fought US in Jefferson era had “bastardized the Qur’an”
Brian's essay is a rather sophomoric rant with little grounding. Aside from the howler of a Counter-Jihad solecism pointed out by Robert, when Brian gets to the money quote -- what the Muslim ambassador told Thomas Jefferson in answer to Jefferson asking him why Muslims were attacking Western ships, stealing their cargo and killing and/or enslaving their crews -- Brian reproduces a quote wildly divergent from even the inaccurate versions I found when, back in the Spring of Ought Nine, I took the time and trouble (unremunerated, naturally) to track down the actual quote in a credible source. (And of course, nary a peep from Robert about this; and I'd even bet money his new vaunted best-seller on the history of Islam still gets the quote wrong, as have all other popularizers out there, it seems.)
See my results:
I Struck Gold! Second Addendum to Primary Sources 101
Even more details, in another essay written at about the same time:
Primary Sources 101 and the Blogospheric anti-Islam Movement
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