As I've said many times, I've written a whole slew of essays over the years about the "Better Cops" phenomenon (Or "Better Mo" as I've sometimes tongued in cheek). One of the more interesting and in-depth postings I composed was titled "Better Cops in the Trump Era" which I wrote back in February of 2017.
Whenever I've gone looking for older essays of mine on this subject, I've tended to bypass this one because, since I'd forgotten the details, the title made me think it was super-specific, regarding the Trump context. On re-reading it recently, I see it's an excellent introduction and analysis of the phenomenon generally speaking, with detailed examinations, relative to the inept views of various readers of Jihad Watch, of two specimens of the genre, Shireen Qudosi and Asra Nomani.
I was going to post this anyway, as part of my intent to use The Daily Decaf as, in part, a venue for re-publishing particularly good essays from my now defunct blog The Hesperado. But Flo's Diner is offering a two-fer today, since I noticed recently the Jihad Watch Readership once again -- for the umpteenth time -- dropping the ball on one of these Better Mos, a Muslim cleric from Australia otherwise known as the "Imam of Peace" (whom we've met before on The Daily Decaf -- and if you have a time machine, later in time in a posting in May of 2019) who has been making a show of how "reformist" and "moderate" he is. And never mind that the Leadership -- Robert Spencer in this case -- also dropped the ball, as he so often does in these more nuanced matters.
The Jihad Watch Readership dropped the ball in two ways: 1) by three of them either praising this Better Mo (or giving him the benefit of the doubt); and 2) by not speaking out (i.e., typing out) comments of appropriately devastating suspicion of this "reformist" cleric. Only one Jihad Watch reader did so, our new friend "Big W":
thebigW says
Dec 16, 2018 at 4:54 pm
[Big W quotes a Jihad Watch regular here, "Walter Sieruk"]
“It’s an awful vicious thing to do as to call for the death of a man who is only engaging is an unrealistic goal of “reforming Islam.” That imam who wants to reform Islam might, very much, be sincere in his quest of the to have a “reformation of Islam” is not actually possible, it’s an action of futility but that to no excuse or reason to kill him.”
[Then Big W says]
That ain’t the issue, the issue is why does this so called “Imam of Peace” Tawhidi still support the same ideology that justifies him being killed? And why doesn’t this Tawhidi guy explain how he disagrees point by point with the fatwa (probably because he can’t).
God bless you, Big W! Have a glazed donut and a cuppa joe!
Meanwhile, the other two Softies, one "Angry Aussie" and one "Lynda Hynes" had to virtue-signal in favor of this Brown Person, Imam Tawhidi. "Angry Aussie" in particular really laid it on thick:
Angry Aussie says
Dec 16, 2018 at 7:30 pm
Imam Tawhidi is the real deal. He is not a fraud. He is highly intelligent and respected by most Australians that know him or know of him. Of course the terrorist types don’t like him.
I have met and spoken with Imam Tawhidi. He is sincere. He is also very aware of flaws in scripture relied on by many as being accurate.
The world needs people like Imam Tawhidi. He doesn’t want sharia law in Western nations and speaks out against it and the rapid islamisation of the West.
I like him because he is in a position to influence the thoughts and minds of young Muslims. If he abandoned his robes, he would have less impact on people. Authorities don’t listen to any of us now, but they do listen to him.
He is the only Imam in Australia that I would back.
Tawhidi thinks very logically. He is quick witted and very funny. He is Shia, which is why the Sunni call him a fake. He is very well educated, unlike the Sunni that wake up one day and decide to be an imam.
After reading this steaming pile of horseshit, one wonders what exactly Angry Aussie is "Angry" about. Not, evidently, the Islam & the Koran & the Mohammed whom his Favorite Cleric adores and affirms and supports (and routinely lies about by brazenly implying that his "reformism" is not monstrously contradicted by that same Islam, Koran and Mohammed) -- the same bloody Islam, Koran and Mohammed which motivate and inspire all the jihad and terrorism and oppression Angry Aussie no doubt is angry about.
Meanwhile, all "Lydia Hynes" did was give a warmly firm thumbs up to Angry Aussie's steaming pile of horseshit, adding a bit of cowshit garnish of her own:
Lynda Hynes says
Dec 16, 2018 at 11:12 pm
Well said, ‘Angry Aussie’. Imam Tawhidi is genuine and courageous. His somewhat unusual interpretation of Islam is perfectly compatible with Western values and democracy. If they were all like Imam Tawhidi, there would be no need for Jihad Watch!
And of course, none of the other Jihad Watch regulars saw fit to chime in to set the record straight and articulate what should be the Counter-Jihad norm by now: a rational prejudice against all Muslims.
As I said up top, a healthy antidote to this nonsense my readers will find in my older analysis of Better Cops like this "Imam of Peace" (which I'll relink here for those too lazy to lift their little finger in order to hit the "PgUp" key on their keyboards).
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