Saturday, March 14, 2020

Contradictory Decaf...?

Image result for contradictory cafe

An interesting exchange in the comments thread of a recent article on that bastion of Counter-Jihad Decaf, Jihad Watch:

Otter says
Mar 13, 2020 at 10:04 am

With all this barbarity which is inflicted by Islam and Muslims upon which ever country they happen to reside in, or have a foot hold, India is at the forefront of this global scourge Mark my words, this is only a prelude of what lies in the future. India is going to be torn apart by the same barbarians whenever they have descended around the world. And the most astonishing thing is that the people believe exactly the opposite what the truth is. Thank you Ms Singh for your accurate piece. The world is slumbering into a disaster of unmanageable proportions. The combination of the left and Islam is unbeatable. I wonder if there is any element of luck in how this ideology keeps on successfully propagating itself.

Savvy Kafir says
Mar 13, 2020 at 1:50 pm

The combination of Islam and the political left is NOT unbeatable. Not if we begin fighting back effectively. That push-back has not even begun. At some point, enough freedom-loving people on the political right, along with a few on the left (I consider myself a progressive, for the most part) will understand that we are in a fight for the survival of Western Civilization, and we will do whatever it takes to defeat the Muslim invaders and their PC allies. Whatever it takes. I, for one, would rather die fighting than watch the West become Islamized. No war in history was fought for better reasons than this. It’s time for people to begin viewing this conflict as the global war that it is, and begin preparing for the inevitable. Because of the collusion of terminally-PC “progressives” and “liberals” with the Muslim invaders who intend to spread Sharia and become our overlords, I don’t see how this conflict can be resolved without open warfare – insurrections and civil war, throughout the West. Too many people on the Regressive Left will simply NEVER give up their articles of faith regarding Islam, cultural relativism, the “evils” of the West, etc. Too many of them will simply NEVER look at the evidence objectively and apply logic and reason to this issue, because they have been too thoroughly indoctrinated. And, since they control the mainstream media, and the mainstream media sets the agenda for most politicians, they are making it impossible to save the West via the democratic process. And their control of public schools & universities, which have become PC indoctrination centers, will only make the problem worse in the coming years. But we MUST save the West — ALL of the West — no matter what it takes. It’s far too early to call “Game over!, when the real push-back has not even begun.

James Lincoln says
Mar 13, 2020 at 3:16 pm

Savvy Kafir, An excellent and informative post. My compliments.

Reply gravenimage says
Mar 13, 2020 at 5:44 pm

Good post, Savvy Kafir. We need to keep telling the truth.

What's interesting about this is a nexus of two closely interrelated things:

1) The Jihad Watcher "Savvy Kafir" (who is, I would say, a mid-level Jihad Watcher, neither a grizzled veteran like the Rabbit Pack, nor a green newbie) effectively says that the only way to save the West from a "Leftist"-enabled Islam will have to be outside the democratic process -- which means only one of two things (or a combination of both):

a) a popular (and, perforce, violent) revolution that overturns existing Western governments


b) a fascist coup or declaration of martial law by existing Western governments, abrogating many if not most (or even all) of our legal freedoms.

2) Aside from a relative Jihad Watch newbie ("James Lincoln" who as far as I can tell from a Google search, has only been commenting on Jihad Watch for approximately one year), we have a long-time and illustrous veteran Jihad Watcher (one "gravenimage", one of the most active members of the aforementioned Rabbit Pack) granting her unalloyed, unreserved approval of this (and, closely related to this, we have the absence of any other veteran Jihad Watchers -- whether Rabbit Packers or not -- moving in to chastise or at least correct Savvy Kafir's ominous declaration).

Meanwhile, Big W and I have been upbraided countless times (including by the Rabbit Pack -- both positively and negatively by the absence of any of them coming into defend me or Big W) over the years for calling for the deportation of Muslims from the West, with the eminent Rabbit Packers "Wellington" and "PRCS" chiding us for advocating the "impossible" given the U.S. Constitution (as if it's a suicide pact).

A Rabbit Pack Postscript:

Some good examples of what I'm talking about from older essays:

Example 1 (the commenter "voegelinian" was moi; the Rabbit Packers here are "gravenimage" and "Angemon")

Example 2 (mostly about "Philip Jihadski" a prominent Rabbit Packer and his unhinged defense of nougaty softness about Muslims, and the unconscionable aversion of responsibility in this regard by another eminent Rabbit Packer, "Wellington")

Example 3 (a lot about two eminent Rabbit Packers, "Angemon" and "Mirren")

Example 4 (a good overview of the Rabbit Pack)

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