Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Better Cop Muslim (yet another...)

Image result for rogue cop

I was dumbfounded at how many postings I've put up about the "Better Cop Muslim" (or "Better Mo") phenomenon -- just on this new blog here (I've only been hammering away at the typewriter here at The Daily Decaf since December of 2017, compared with the over eleven years I put in at The Hesperado):

Good Coffee, Bad Coffee, Better Coffee... hmmm, hard decision there...

"I'll have a Better Joe, to go with my Better Moe (since I lost my Mojo)..."

Another Better Cup of decaf spotted at the Counter-Jihad Mainstream Cafe ...

Better Cup (of Mo Jo...)

Yo, Flo, your better cuppa Moe-Jo made me lose my Mojo...

Another "Better Cop" -- or a new "Best Cop"...?

"Better Cops" means better coffee & donuts!

The Better Mo is only "better" relative to those he fools

Tbe "Better Cop" Muslim and the Counter-Jihad

Jihad Watchers still suckers for the mojo of the Better Cup of Mo

Another "Better Cop" Muslim...

And of course, this isn't counting all the essays I published previously on The Hesperado.  If the reader peruses the links above, he is bound to stumble across internal links referring him to (probably most of) those former Hesperado essays.

Today, I have yet another one to rack up to the list.  This particular Better Mo is one I'd never heard of before, and while he may not be all that famous, he still had the effect of fooling one of the members of the Leadership of the Counter-Jihad, Baron Bodissey, who helms the otherwise fine counter-jihad blog Gates of Vienna, along with at least one reader.  It's not necessarily the numbers that count; but the sheer ability to fool someone who, by being solidly in the Counter-Jihad and who has been running a blog for more years than I ever did, dedicated to fighting Islam, should know better.

Alas, it comes as little surprise to me that he was so fooled, seeing as I have detected asymptotic nougat in him many a time before -- most appositely, perhaps, in this essay from four years ago:  The Wrong Instinct: The case of the Gates of Vienna blog.

At any rate, today's Better Mo is one Irfan Peci, a Bosnian Muslim who, like Maajid Nawaz and some others, at some point in the recent past became an "ex-extremist", having formerly been in Al Qaeda and then subsequently not leaving Islam altogether (perish the thought!) but remaining in Islam as a "de-radicalized" Muslim.  I kid you not; that is Baron Bodissey's own phrase for this sly fox.

If that isn't bad enough, one of the readers of the posting at Gates of Vienna helpfully applied a good deal more nougat:

Interesting is the author of the video, Irfan Peci, is a Bosnian Muslim. He was arrested in Germany by the BKA (FBI or MI5 equivalent) in Germany for being a member of Al Qaeda. He was in prison and since then he’s been sounding the alarm bells in books and videos about the dangers of radical Islam. If people don’t listen when a former member of AQ is warning people of the dangers, then the people and their government are just idiots or complacent or both. Highly recommend keeping track on what Irfan Peci has to say on these topics, he’s very knowledgeable on the topic. As he points out, his isn’t going to end well.

What that reader (along with Baron Bodissey) doesn't get is what we must reasonably suppose: that as a Better Mo, Irfan Peci's job isn't to try to wake up the broader Mainstream, but to lull those in the still minuscule, but growing, Counter-Jihad into a subliminal lowering of their guard against all Muslims, semi-consciously preparing them for a mindset that assumes that an uncertain number of Muslims in the West is not a deleterious prospect, as long as they are not "radicalized".  This keeps that still minuscule, but growing subpopulation from waking up so that they can communicate to their broader West perhaps the most important message about Islam for our future survival: that we cannot trust any Muslims.

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