Sunday, February 9, 2020

Another "Better Cop" Muslim...

Image result for police cafe

(Not the fine officer in the picture above, of course; that's just some random pic I found on Google Images as a cheeky way to lure the reader in.)

For any of my readers who still don't know what I mean by my coinage of the "Better Cop Muslim" (or "Better Mo"), a good introduction would be a posting I published on my former blog, The Hesperado, some three years ago.

The Better Mo I spotted the other day technically isn't one -- since to qualify there have to be signs that he has impressed Jihad Watchers as a "reformist" Muslim -- but potentially, Damien Abad could easily be one, since I am confident he would be able to fool many (if not most) in the Counter-Jihad who seem to be vulnerable to their wiles.  The only reason no Jihad Watchers noticed him is that perhaps they are not careful readers or did not bother to do a little research on their own, as I did, since I've noticed they seem to have little interest in Muslim-sounding names figuring peripherally and fishily in various Jihad Watch stories.

Case in point, the recent story of the teenage girl in France, Mila, who because of her social media fulmination against Islam has had so many credible death threats, police have told her she has to move, leave school, and effectively go into hiding (apparently French police can't protect her in her own country).  So one of the many reports on this issue posted at Jihad Watch involved an obvious bad guy (or gal): French Justice Minister Nicole Belloubet who, while she threw a bone by saying the death threats received by Mila were “unacceptable in a democracy”, added the preposterously virtue-signalling nonsense that Mila's remarks about Islam were “clearly an infringement on freedom of conscience”.

Now, in the same breath (and paragraph) as this report, we see that the Justice Minister's politically correct twaddle caused an outcry from the opposition --

with the Republicans’ leader in the lower house of parliament Damien Abad fuming: “It’s called freedom of expression!” 

Apparently, I was the only Jihad Watcher to wonder, Hmmm... why is a guy with a Muslim-sounding name so vehemently standing on the side of freedom of expression -- in this case involving extremely anti-Islamic expression (Mila said among other things that “[t]he Koran is . . . full of hate. There is only hate in it. Islam is a shit religion. That’s what I think”)???  As I surmise, most Jihad Watchers, were they to be apprised of a Muslim named Damian Abad “fuming” against Leftists who oppose freedom of expression, would incoherently hail this Muslim as “possibly” a reformist Muslim (or perhaps some other permutation of types of Muslims who are... apparently not actually Muslim... and yet still are...).

Well, I did a little digging of this Damien Abad who seems, in a Maajid-Nawazian sort of way, to have gone out of his way to signal his Better Mo bonafides.  Turns out -- thanks to a reader going by the name of "Fleur de Lys" at the French (more or less) anti-Islam blog, Riposte Laique -- Damian Abad has been photographed showing his proud support of a mosque in d’Ambérieu-en-Bugey (a sleepy canton in eastern France). Not that we who have cultivated a healthy sense of rational prejudice need to know anything more than this, that reader "Fleur de Lys" provided a link proving that the mosque in question (the Masjid Salam) supports "Salafist" Islam directly connected with Saudi extremism (which of course = normative mainstream Islam).

For my readers who don't read French, that link shows screen shots of literature promoted by that mosque -- literature which in turn promotes the Islamic teachings of one "Sheikh El-Uthaymin" (a solidly mainstream member of the Saudi Ulema).  Among his fatwas they cite are death for homosexuals, 100 lashes for fornicators, and death for adulterers. A second cleric promoted by the mosque Damien Abad proudly supported, one Abd al’-Azîz Bin Baz, has similarly psychopathic fatwas, including death for anyone who denies that the sun revolves around the Earth!

So again I ask: Why would a Muslim who proudly supports this extremist form of Islam (which of course = normative, mainstream Islam), make such a show of supporting Mila's freedom of expression which included such statements as “[t]he Koran is . . . full of hate. There is only hate in it. Islam is a shit religion. . . . ???  Either Damian Abad is strangely schizophrenic, or he is doing stealth jihad along the lines of the deeper cover of Better Cops like Maajid Nawaz.

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