Thursday, February 6, 2020

"Would you like some sprinkles with your Radicalized Salafist Extremist Islamist? And some sneer quotes foam with your Palestinian Coffee...?"

Image result for quotations cafe

Most people will agree that sneer quotes can be used too liberally; and I've never heard of anyone complaining about not using them enough.  Except me -- just the other day on this blog, in fact.  In my cheekily titled posting --

"Didn't Hugh get the memo? Or did the Counter-Jihad Movement's fax machine jam again....? And why didn't my ex-Muslim Friday get me my triple decaf Softiccino...???" 

-- I took Hugh Fitzgerald of Jihad Watch to task for his egregious failure to sneer-quote the word Palestinian.   In that posting, I noted a second article by Hugh where he manifested the same dereliction.  This isn't a matter of syntax, proper punctuation, or grammar. won't be able to help us out here.  This is a matter of using typography in the battle space of the War of Ideas in which the problem of Islam is being waged -- for the foreseeable future, the most important theater of this war: where on our side, truth is our weapon, while on the opposing sides, deception & disinformation is the weapon wielded by Muslims (and more or less unwittingly enabling them we have bringing up the rear the sincerely confused obfuscation & incoherence as the weapon flailed by our Western PC MCs who, unfortunately, dominate our popular sociopolitical airwaves).

In this case, the truth is that, as Robert Spencer himself claimed valiantly -- on the same Jihad Watch where his colleague Hugh's article was posted a mere three days prior -- "End the Hoax: There are no Palestinians".  Spencer proceeded to lay out the evidence for the fact that the "Palestinians" are a propaganda fiction concocted by Muslims and used adroitly by them in their ongoing jihad against Israel -- both jihad of the sword and jihad of the pen & mouth.

What I didn't point out in my previous posting alluded to in my first paragraph is that Robert himself in his valiantly truth-telling article also failed to sneer-quote that propaganda fiction -- 26 times!  That's right, 26 times Robert in his article wrote the word Palestinian (including of course at times its plural form) without the sneer quotes!  Some of my readers may protest that I am quibbling; but I say that in the context of this ideological war, we must be relentless about our point of truth.  The un-sneer-quoted word Palestinian has the subliminal effect of endowing the term with the most common connotation: namely, that it denotes an existing entity.  Typographically, it's not as if it is unduly laborious to insert those sneer quotes consistently, not in our age of computers.  (And even were we living in the day of quills & parchment -- or note pads, ballpoint pens, & Selectric typewriters -- the case could be made for expending the added time & trouble in the service of this most exigent point of truth-telling in the context of our War of Ideas.)

Meanwhile, as he has seen fit to publish several pieces on the fallout of Trump's "Deal of the Century", Hugh keeps his un-sneer-quoting apace.  Every one of his pieces manifests that dereliction of ideotypographical duty.  His most recent sports perhaps the most glaring headline:

Palestinians Are “Disappointed” In Initial Arab Response — Arab League Then Rejects the Trump Plan (Part 3)

Hugh was diligent enough to sneer-quote the word Disappointed -- but not the word Palestinians...!?  What the Falasteen...!!!???

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