Monday, February 17, 2020

Virtue-burping again...

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Image result for burps cafe

Robert Spencer has been double-virtue-signalling again.

In a recent Jihad Watch report on a female Catholic airhead --

Catholic who proclaims “I’m Christian and I LOVE the Qur’an” says Catholics have “Islamophobia problem” 

--  Robert wrote about the airhead, Jordan Denari Duffner, a student activist at Georgetown University, that “in all her writings, including the article below, she completely ignores the reality of jihad violence and the violent exhortations in the Qur’an and Sunnah, and continuously writes as if Muslims were victims of widespread discrimination and harassment in the U.S., which they are not and should not be...”

The phrase I bolded is the part that makes this double-virtue-signalling; the other half is, of course, Robert's normatively bold-sounding counter-jihad stuff.  The first half is virtue-signalling to our PC MC Masters: "Please don't think I'm a bigot for criticizing Islam!"  The second half is virtue-signalling to the Counter-Jihad Choir: "See how robustly opposed to Islamic Jihad I am...?"

As our old friend The Big W put it in the comments thread:

thebigW says 
Feb 17, 2020 at 11:58 am 

actually Robert Spencer is wrong here. We actually SHOULD discriminate against Muslims in the West, unless you can show how we can protect our societies from Muslims following their Islam WITHOUT discriminating against Muslims.

One may also note how Robert here either cleverly or obtusely conflates "harassment" with "discrimination", lumping them together.  I would agree that we in the West should not go around harassing Muslims, and I generally oppose vigilantism.  But that's a separate matter from various policies we should be pursuing that would effectively be discriminating against Muslims (such as, for example, various forms of surveillance of Muslims which various Western governments have found it necessary to do, realizing, if only semi-consciously -- since their politically correct multi-culturalism (PC MC) prevents them from appraising the situation rationally -- that in order to protect their societies from terrorism they have to closely monitor Muslims and Muslim communities whence pullulate terror plots).

Robert's second burp was in his editorial remarks about Jordan Denari Duffner's article, which he wrote “is full of the usual nonsense, chiefly the familiar conflation of criticizing Islamic teaching or opposing jihad violence with failing to respect or esteem Muslims as human beings.” 

Why is Robert penning such imprecisely treacly sentiments as "failing to respect or esteem Muslims as human beings"....?  What does that actually mean...?  If, for example, a person affirms and defends Nazism -- and compounds that sin by attacking those who condemn Nazism -- would Robert "respect" or "esteem" that person?  Or would he reasonably withhold respect and esteem from that person, only to turn around and try to torturously distinguish that respect and esteem he is withholding from that Nazi apologist from a “respect and esteem as human beings”... he would apparently be according that same Nazi apologist?  And what exactly does that distinction mean, and what does it entail?  These are all questions which Robert is blithely ignoring as instead he tosses a virtue-signalling bone to our PC MC Masters:  "Look, see?  I respect and esteem Muslims as human beings! Please don't ostracize me as a racist bigot!"  Meanwhile, Robert pretends he doesn't care what the PC MC Mainstream thinks about him.

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