Monday, February 10, 2020

The shrinking violets of the Counter-Jihad

Image result for shrinking violet cafe

By sheer serendipity this morning, I found an unwittingly exquisite quote about what one could call the "shrinking violet" phenomenon in the Counter-Jihad -- it's a kind of One-Step-Forward-Two-Steps-Back dance move mirroring the Leftist-Two-Step -- aptly describing the "fearless" Ayaan Hirsi Ali:

I think reading her quotes in context would show that when she used to say things like “there are no moderate Muslims” would show that ultimately her positions do not mean to paint all Muslims as bad (she has gotten much better at communicating nuance recently).

The writer is a supposed ex-Muslim from Iran, Kaveh Mousavi, and the context is an open letter he wrote to the Southern Poverty Law Center, protesting their blacklist of certain people, including (aside from Ayaan Hirsi Ali) Sam Harris and Maajid Nawaz. As I noted in my posting about this over three years ago on The Hesperado, while Mousavi's defense of Ali is more or less ambivalent, his praise of Nawaz is indiscriminately unstinting (while his venom for Robert Spencer and Pam Geller -- "really awful people" in his words -- is unambiguous).  Let's look at Mousavi's quote again:

I think reading her quotes in context would show that when she used to say things like “there are no moderate Muslims” would show that ultimately her positions do not mean to paint all Muslims as bad (she has gotten much better at communicating nuance recently).

I have yet to watch the three videos of Ali I promised my readers I would back in August of 2019.  Meanwhile, one other posting I put up here on this little old cafe bulletin board goes into my misgivings about her seeming regression on the problem of Islam.  And don't get me started on Sam Harris.

Image result for ayaan hirsi ali sam harris
--Maajid, Ayaan & Sam brightly optimistic about their fight against "radicalized Islamist extremism that has nothing disturbing to do with mainstream Islam"

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