Sunday, February 16, 2020

The Afterparty

Image result for oscars after party 1960

In my previous posting, a cheeky satire of the Oscars, I hadn't fully sounded out the Best Cop Muslim ("Best Mo"); and now that I have, I see that the paradox I (and our new friend, The Big W) had spotted wasn't quite as absurdly perfect:

As I (we) put it there:


Leave it to our old friend "The Big W" to notice the glaringly clever -- in the sense of hiding in plain sight -- paradox at the heart of the Jihad Watch headline:

thebigW says 

Feb 13, 2020 at 3:20 pm 

“UK: Former member of al-Qaeda says there is “no such thing as a rehabilitated jihadist” 

 LOL this Muslim by sayin’ this is contradicting his own statement!!! HAHAHAHAHA. I.-freakin’-e., this Aimen Dean feller is pretendin’ to be a rehabilitated jihadist himself and tryin’ to prove it by sounding REAL tough against jihadists. The joke is on anyone who believes he ain’t doin’ taqiyya. 


Had this been all there was to Aimen Dean's spycrafting derring-do, it would have reflected a naivety on the part of the Westerners remarkably astonishing -- which is saying a lot!  I.e., Aimen Dean would have been broadcasting openly that, since by his own logic, a jihadist cannot be rehabilitated, then he as a "former" jihadist is, therefore, still a jihadist right under your very own noses!!!

But the paradox wasn't quite that exquisite once I read through the article at the Jihad Watch source, The TelegraphEssentially, Aimen Dean massages the paradox through kitman -- that subcategory of Islamic taqiyya whereby the Mohammedan deceiver tells half the truth, but not the whole truth.  And wouldn't you know it, it looks like our old friend The Big W spotted that too!

First, The Big W deposits a couple of choice quotes from Aimen Dean (from that same article in The Telegraph):

“I know deradicalisation doesn’t work” 


“I don’t believe in deradicalisation”

These two quotes constitute one horn of the kitman paradox.

The second horn is illustrated by another quote by Aimen Dean which The Big W put in:

“The only way [a jihadist] can demonstrate that they’ve renounced violent extremism is if they have sung like a canary and provided damaging intelligence on the networks that recruited them.”

The Big W challenged his fellow Jihad Watch readers to spot the kitman in that quote; and of course, no other reader showed any sign of recognition or appreciation at all for what he offered.  Here's what The Big W wrote:

By the way can any o’ ya spot the taqiyya kitman in that quote? Yep, it’s the “renounced violent extremism ” part, ’cause a violent jihadist can easily “renounce” “violent extremism” by the fact that in his ISLAMIC MIND, jihad ain’t “extremism”.

Precisely, The Big W!  And we may illuminate this further by pointing out that the previous quotes above, constituting the first horn of the paradox, were Aimen Dean telling the truth about himself. He was telling his Western Dupes:

I was never deradicalized, because there is no such thing as deradicalization!

The second quote, in its kitman combination of truth and lie, describes further his own strategy of deceit:  He is, again, effectively telegraphing to his Western Dupes:

Sure, I am 'demonstrating' that I have 'renounced' violent extremism -- insofar as what I was doing (and continue to do) as a jihadist is not 'extremism' (though it does indeed countenance if not involve violence) -- and you are too naive and stupidly in denial to see through my semi-transparent disingenuousness; for which naivety and stupidity I thank Allah five times every day, since it is doing its part to reinforce the gullible tendency of the still militarily superior Kuffar to do nothing about the growing demographic presence of Muslims in their midst...!

It's not quite as exquisite as the initial paradox I thought it was, but it's certainly damn close. And the more exquisite it is, the more breathtaking is the naivety of any Westerners who refrain from condemning him as a jihadist pretending to be reformed.


A glimpse into the Better Cop style stealth jihad of Aimen Dean I stumbled across, from a BBC report in 2016:

The programme explores the current battle for control in some British mosques, speaking to British Deobandi Muslims pushing back against the infiltration of Pakistani religious politics in British life.

As one campaigner says, this is 'the battle for the soul of Islam' and the 'silent majority' must speak out - but can moderate Muslims build the institutional power they need to really enforce change?


Aimen Dean - former member of Al Qaeda and former MI5 operative
Raffaello Pantucci - Director in International Security Studies, RUSI
Mufti Mohammed Amin Pandor
Toaha Qureshi MBE - Trustee of Aalimi Majlise Tahaffuze Khatme Nubuwwat (Stockwell, London)
Aamer Anwar - human rights lawyer
Producers: Richard Fenton-Smith & Sajid Iqbal
Researcher: Holly Topham.

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