Friday, October 29, 2021

The Anti-Woke Brigade: Update


I've mentioned more or less in passing that the Anti-Woke Brigade (I think that's my term for them) -- namely, James Lindsay, Benjamin Boyce, Jodi Shaw, and some guy who calls himself "Wokely Distance" (and of course there could be many others approximately within that amorphous nebula) -- have seemed to be strangely disconnected from the sprawling, freakish, disturbing, worsening Covid Saga of these past 20 months. 

So it was heartening to tune into a recent discussion two of them had (James & Benjamin) in which they allude to it with adequate apprehension of its, as James put it, "bullshit" (though I prefer the more accurate "batshit").  While it was heartening, however, I still had the nagging sense that they maintain some kind of distance from the full catastrophe of the issue -- not a critical distance, per se; but some species of diffidence difficult to put one's finger on.  A similar unease visited me when I watched Jodi Shaw's little recounting of the Cassandra tale, in which she counsels us vaguely to "grieve" a profound loss -- and I think I grasp she means the loss of our West (though it's hard to be sure since she remains elliptical and blurry).

What causes this deflection from the Anti-Woke Brigade?  One has to guess since they don't advert directly -- a tendency that seems almost tactical, perhaps a hangover from their Leftist past (which in many ways they seem not to have exorcized).  One possibility is they are afraid to be more honest and blunt about the issue.  Another possibility is that it doesn't quite grip them viscerally because it's somewhat a lower-shelf priority for them.  

I can't say for sure.  It'd be nice if they tried their hand at attempting some refreshingly straight talk for a change -- just for 15 minutes.  Is that too much to ask?

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